Key references: The Economics of Hospitals



  • Brekke K, L Siciliani, OR Straume (2011) Hospital competition and quality with regulated prices, Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 113, pages 444-469.

Key empirical studies on the effect of competition on quality

  • Bloom N, C Propper, S Seiler and J Van Reenen (2015) The Impact of Competition on Management Quality: Evidence from Public Hospitals, Review of Economic Studies 82, Pages 457-489
  • Cooper Z, S  Gibbons, S Jones and A McGuire (2011) Does Hospital Competition Save Lives? Evidence from the English Patient Choice Reforms, Economic Journal 121 (August), Pages F228–F260
  • Gravelle H, G Moscelli, R Santos, L Siciliani (2014) Patient choice and the effects of hospital market structure on mortality for AMI, hip fracture and stroke patients, CHE Research Paper 106, Pages 1-57
  • Kessler, D McClellan, M (2000) Is hospital competition socially wasteful? The Quarterly Journal of Economics. 115, Pages 577-615
  • Propper, P S Burgess, D Gossage (2008) Competition and Quality: Evidence from the NHS Internal Market 1991-9, The Economic Journal, 118, Pages 138-170.
  • Propper, P S Burgess and K Green (2004) Does competition between hospitals improve the quality of care? Hospital death rates and the NHS internal market, Journal of Public Economics, 88, Pages 1247-1272.

Hospital demand studies

  • Beckert W, M Christensen and K Collyer (2012) Choice of NHS-funded hospital services in England, Economic Journal, 122, Pages 400–417
  • Gaynor M, C Propper, S Seiler (2012) Free to choose? Reform and demand response in the British National Health Service, Working Paper No. 3169.  
  • Gutacker N, L Siciliani, G Moscelli, H Gravelle (2015) Do patients choose hospitals that improve their health? CHE Research Paper 111, Pages 1-37
  • Moscone F, E Tosetti, G Vittadini (2012) Social interaction in patients' hospital choice: Evidence from Italy, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A: Statistics in Society, 175 (2), Pages 453- 472
  • Sivey P (2012) The effect of waiting times and distance of hospital choice for English cataract patients. Health Economics, Volume 21, Pages 444-456
  • Tay A (2003) Assessing competition in hospital care markets: the importance of accounting for quality differentiation, The RAND Journal of Economics, 34(4), Pages 786-814

Review studies

  • R Cookson and D Dawson (2012) Hospital competition and patient choice in publicly funded health care, The Elgar Companion to Health Economics, Chapter 20
  • M Gaynor and R J Town (2011) Competition in Health Care Markets, in M Pauly, T McGuire, P P Barros, Handbook of Health Economics, Elsevier, Volume 2, Pages, 499-637
  • M Gaynor (2006) What Do We Know About Competition and Quality in Health Care Markets?, NBER Working Paper 12301
  • C Propper and G  Leckie (2011) Increasing competition between providers in health care markets, the economic evidence, chapter 28, The Oxford Handbook of Health Economics, OUP
  • C Propper (2012) Competition, incentives and the English NHS, Health Economics, 21(1), Pages 33–40.

Price Incentives and Non-profit status


  • Brekke K, L Siciliani and O R Straume (2012) Quality competition with profit constraints, Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization, 84, Pages 642-659
  • Chalkley M, J Malcomson (1998) Contracting for Health Services when patient demand does not reflect quality, Journal of Health Economics, 17, Pages 1-19

Empirical studies

  • Dafny, L, 2005, How do hospitals respond to price changes?, ,95(5), Pages 1525-1547
  • Eggleston, K et al (2008) Hospital ownership and quality of care: what explains the different results in the literature?, Health Economics, 17(12), Pages 1345–1362
  • Farrar S et al (2009) Has payment by results affected the way that English hospitals provide care? Difference-in-differences analysis, British Medical Journal, 339 b3047,
  • Marini G et al (2008) Giving greater financial independence to hospitals. Does it make a difference?, Health Economics, 17(6), Pages 751–775
  • Perotin V et al (2013) Does hospital ownership affect patient experience? An investigation into public-private sector differences in England, Journal of Health Economics, 32(3), Pages 633-646
  • Siciliani L, P Sivey and A Street (2013) Differences in length of stay for hip replacement between public hospitals, specialised treatment centres and private providers: selection or efficiency?, Health Economics, 22(2), Pages 234–242

Waiting Times

Demand and supply: theory and empirical evidence

  • Martin S and P C Smith (1999) Rationing by waiting lists: an empirical investigation, Journal of Public Economics, 71, pages 141-164
  • Martin S and P C Smith (2003) Using panel methods to model waiting times for National Health Service surgery, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A, 166, pages 369-387
  • Martin S, N Rice, R Jacobs and P C Smith (2007) The market for elective surgery: joint estimation of supply and demand, Journal of Health Economics, 26, pages 263-285
  • Siciliani L, A Stanciole, R Jacobs (2009) Do waiting times reduce hospital costs?, Journal of Health Economics, 28, pages 771-780


  • Propper P et al. (2008) Did ''targets and terror'' reduce waiting times in England for hospital care?, Berkeley Journal of Economic Policy and Analysis, pages 1-27
  • Propper, P M Sutton, C Whitnall, F Windmeijer (2010) Incentives and targets in hospital care: Evidence from a natural experiment, Journal of Public Economics, 94, 3-4, pages 318-335
  • Dimakou, S D Parkin, N Devlin, J Appleby, (2009) Identifying the impact of government targets on waiting times in the NHS.Health Care Management Science, 12, pages 1-10


  • Z Cooper, A McGuire, S Jones, J Le Grand, (2009), Equity, waiting times, and NHS reforms: retrospective study. British Medical Journal, 339, b3264
  • M Laudicella, L Siciliani and R Cookson (2012) Waiting times and socioeconomic status: evidence from England, Social Science and Medicine, 74, (9), pages 1331-1341
  • K Monstad, L Birger, B Espehaug (2014) Waiting times and socioeconomic status: an individual level analysis, Health Economics, 2, pages 446
  • L Siciliani, R Verzulli, (2009) Waiting times and socioeconomic status among elderly Europeans: Evidence from SHARE, , 18(11), pages 1295-1306
  • A Sharma, L Siciliani, A Harris (2013) Waiting times and socioeconomic status: does sample selection matter?, Economic Modelling, , pages

Review studies

  • L Siciliani and T Iversen (2012) Waiting times and waiting lists, The Elgar Companion to Health Economics, Edward Elgar, chapter 24
  • L Siciliani, Waiting times, in Culyer, T. (2014) Elsevier On-line Encyclopedia of Health Economics (Section: Markets in Health Care; Section Editor: Pau Olivella); pages 468-476
  • T Iversen and L Siciliani (2011) Non-price rationing and waiting times, 27, pages 1-35, in Gleid and Smith, The Oxford Handbook of Health Economics, OUP
  • J G Cullis, P R Jones and C Propper (2000) Waiting lists and medical treatment: analysis and policies, Handbook of Health Economics, Elsevier
Published Apr. 4, 2016 2:43 PM - Last modified Apr. 4, 2016 2:43 PM