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AccessAfrica 2

AccessAfrica 2 – Strengthening Clinical Trial Regulatory and Ethical Review oversight in East Africa.

AccessAfrica 2 aims to improve the ethical review and regulatory capacity for clinical trials in two Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries.

It will specifically focus on the review and oversight of reported adverse events during clinical trials, enhance the efficiencies of the National Ethics Committees (NECs) and National Regulatory Authorities (NRAs), and equip them with the skills and knowledge necessary for improved operations during outbreaks and epidemics

The project is coordinated by Prof. Rosemarie de La Cruz Bernabe from the Centre of Medical Ethics at the University of Oslo and implemented by four institutions in Uganda and Ethiopia.

Read more about the project on:

Project Start and Finish

The project started on July 1, 2023, and it will run for 36 months.


AccessAfrica 2 is a funded EU and Global Health EDCTP3 project.

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Published Oct. 3, 2023 9:22 AM - Last modified May 30, 2024 10:28 AM


  • Rosemarie de La Cruz Bernabe University of Oslo
  • Vivian Nchanchou Mbanya University of Oslo
  • Dr. Bernard Kikaire: Uganda National Health Research Organization (UNHRO)/Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI)
  • Dr. Gudina Terefe Tucho: Jimma University (JU)
  • Helen Byomire Ndagije: Uganda Drug Authority (UDA)
  • Dr. Christopher Ddamulira: Uganda National Council for Science and Technology (UNCST)
Detailed list of participants