Norwegian version of this page

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation in nursing homes - decisions and cooperation

Through research interviews, this project will shed light on decisions to refrain from cardiopulmonary resuscitation, and ethical challenges linked to such decisions.

Hjerte-lunge-redning – og beslutninger om å avstå fra dette (“HLR minus”) – byr noen ganger på etiske utfordringer. Dette ph.d.-prosjektet vil studere hvordan dette spiller seg ut i norske sykehjem, med særlig oppmerksomhet om langtidsavdelinger. Forskerne vil intervjue pasienter, pårørende, sykepleiere og leger.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation - and decisions to refrain from this ("do not resuscitate (DNR)") – sometimes present ethical challenges. This PhD project will study how this plays out in Norwegian nursing homes, with particular attention to long-term wards. The researchers will interview patients, relatives, nurses and doctors.


Stiftelsen Dam



Universitetet i Agder

Start - Finish





Published Feb. 5, 2024 12:21 PM - Last modified Feb. 5, 2024 12:31 PM


Project Leader Morten Magelssen


Detailed list of participants