Afterlives of Covid-19 in Kenya

This subproject attends to the traces and remains left by the Covid-19 pandemic in Kenya, whether in the material landscape, in objects and technologies, in measures of biological immunity, forms of surveillance, testing-and-tracing techniques. As Covid-19 infection and prevalence levels decrease, what becomes of anti-epidemic measures and technologies such as the use of masks, hand-hygiene facilities, isolation wards, and testing-and-tracing kits? What traces remain of the pandemic, and how do people live with these remains? 

Contact: Jacinta Victoria Muinde, Ruth Prince, Wenzel Geissler

Community groups that, 2 weeks into the Covid-19 pandemic, have shifted to producing facemasks and Covid-education
Community groups that, 2 weeks into the Covid-19 pandemic, have shifted to producing facemasks and Covid-education. Photo: Erick Okioma, with permission, March 2020. 


Published Oct. 31, 2022 10:56 AM - Last modified Nov. 1, 2022 10:18 AM