Norwegian version of this page

Ethics in home-based care

Based on an ethnographic fieldwork, the project focus on ethical challenges in home-based care.

About the project

The project is based on ethnographic fieldwork in home-based care in three municipalities in Norway. The researcher conducted participant observation in each municipality for 3-4 months. In addition, in-depth interviews were conducted with staff, patients and relatives.


The aim is to contribute to a better understanding and handling of ethical dilemmas to ensure dignified care in home-based care.

  • Recognise and understand the ethical challenges in home-based care.
  • Investigate how staff deal with ethical challenges and determine the benefits of ethical support.
  • Clarify the need for ethical support for home care staff.


  • It was a challenge for staff to balance patient autonomy with good and beneficial healthcare. The boundaries of coercion to persuade users to accept help seemed to be fluid. We observed that staff had developed some strategies to ensure patient autonomy while providing help.
  • Staff go the extra mile for their patients and show loyalty by putting the patient above the system and themselves.
  • There is no organised ethical support in home-based care.


Home-based care has an ever-increasing remit and has to deal with an increasingly complex and sicker patient population. At the same time, home-based care staff must care for patients in their own homes. The complexity, the great responsibility and the fact that the staff are guests in the patient's home can lead to ethical challenges. These often centre around fundamental values in patient care, such as good care, trust, safety, respect and participation. Ethical challenges that are not addressed effectively can lead to sub-optimal care and the violation of patient rights.


Stiftelsen DAM


Landsforeningen for hjerte og lungesyke (LHL)

Start - Finish 



Published Jan. 8, 2024 12:29 PM - Last modified Jan. 8, 2024 1:39 PM


Project Leader Anne Kari Tolo Heggestad,