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From theory to practice – developing and testing out a new rehabilitation program for patients with fibromyalgia (completed)

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterized by wide-spread pain in the musculoskeletal system accompanied by an array of other symptoms. Current therapies have little and no lasting effects. Previously, we have studied illness and recovery experiences among women not having fibromyalgia anymore. By exploring and making sense of own experiences the informants found out what to do to make their days tolerable. Gradully, but slowly, also their symptoms vanished.

Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition characterized by wide-spread pain in the musculoskeletal system accompanied by an array of other symptoms. Current therapies have little and no lasting effects. Previously, we have studied illness and recovery experiences among women not having fibromyalgia anymore. By exploring and making sense of own experiences the informants found out what to do to make their days tolerable. Gradully, but slowly, also their symptoms vanished.

The ongoing project is aimed:

  1. To develop a new rehabilitation program resulting from a process of mutual reflections across clinical experiences and evidence from studies examining how it is like to be ill and becoming healthy again from a patient point of view (September 2017-January 2018).
  1. To test out the feasibility of the program and its benefits for patients (started 1. February 2018)

Project leader

Professor Anne Marit Mengshoel


Researchers: Merja Sallinen (UiO, dep. of Health Sciences).

Clinicians: A multidisciplinary team at the Rheumatism Hospital, Lillehammer.

External funding

EkstraStiftelsen Helse og Rehabilitering through Norske Kvinners Sanitetsforening.

Published Feb. 6, 2018 12:42 PM - Last modified Sep. 13, 2021 2:55 PM


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