Meeting with H.E Dr Myint Htwe, Union Minister for Health and Sports

Professor Espen Bjertness had a good meeting with H.E Dr Myint Htwe, Union Minister for Health and Sports on 11. January 2017. The Minister was appointed in March 2016 after the election in November 2015.

Group photo

From left: Prof. Myint Han, Director General, Department of Medical Services, Ministry of Health and Sports; Prof. Thet Khaing Win, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health and sports; Dr Myint Htwe, Union Minister for Health and Sports; Prof. Espen Bjertness, Project leader of MY-NORTH, University of Oslo; Dr. Tin Tin Lay, Director General, Department of Human Resource for Health, Ministry of Health and Sports; Prof. Zaw Wai Soe, Rector of University of Medicine 1; PhD student Dr. Aung Soe Htet, University of Oslo.

Espen gave an update on the MY-NORTH project, and it was clear that the Minister had set himself thoroughly into the project themes in advance, and he was obviously pleased with the project's objectives, activities and results. They also talked about any challenges, and the importance of long-term cooperation, and the Minister would like to see a continuation of MY-NORTH. Factsheet given to the Minister is provided here (pdf).

Htwe and Bjertness
A good and friendly atmosphere. Dr Myint Htwe, Union Minister for Health and Sports; Prof. Espen Bjertness, Project leader of MY-NORTH, University of Oslo.
Published Jan. 17, 2017 2:40 PM - Last modified Jan. 31, 2017 2:16 PM