Focus group interviews

We have completed four focus group interviews with health care personnel in two municipalities in Norway, Moss and Stange. 

Bildet viser tre personer som blir vurdert under forstørrelsesglass

In WP2 in SAFE, we aim is to derive knowledge on what defines quality of life for cancer patients and their next of kin during end-of-life care. We will both conduct focus group interviews with health care personnel and interviews with cancer patients and their next of kin.  

In December we completed 2 focus group interviews in Moss. Due to the pandemic, we conducted the interviews by zoom. Even though we would have preferred to meet in person, the digital solution worked very well. 

Last week, we conducted the two last focus groups interviews in Stange. These four interviews included discussion on how end-of-life care is organized in their municipality, how the health care personnel defines quality of life for cancer patients and their next of kin during end-of-life care. We received a lot of valuable information from the participants. 

The next step in WP2 is to start interviews with cancer patients and their next of kin. 

Published Sep. 16, 2022 2:38 PM - Last modified Sep. 16, 2022 2:38 PM