
  • Hellesø, Ragnhild; Fagermoen, May Solveig; Eines, Johannes. The significance of informal caregivers in information management from the perspective of heart failure patients. Accepted for publication in Journal of Clinical Nursing 2011
  • Hellesø, Ragnhild; Fagermoen, May Solveig. Cultural diversity between hospital and community nurses: implications for continuity of care. International Journal of Integrated Care 2010 ;Volum 10. s. 1-9
  • Melby, Line; Hellesø, Ragnhild. Electronic exchange of discharge summaries between hospital and municipal care from health personnel's perspectives. International Journal of Integrated Care 2010 ;Volum 10. s. - NTNU UiO
  • Hellesø, Ragnhild; Eines, Johannes; Sorensen, Lena; Fagermoen, May Solveig. Severity of Illness - Implications for Information Management by Patients. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics 2009 ;Volum 146. s. 373-377
Published Apr. 8, 2011 12:05 PM - Last modified Apr. 8, 2011 12:06 PM