Norwegian version of this page

Patient-accessible electronic health records – a new actor in Norwegian health care

New digital health care services aimed at patients call for further knowledge and insight into how such services are perceived, used and incorporated into the existing health care services.

About the project

Digital technologies are increasingly being used in health care, also in services aimed at citizens/patients. Among new services are Patient-Accessible Electronic Health Records (PAEHR), which give patients access to their own health records online. This study seeks to develop insight into how PAEHR are incorporated into the health care services, how doctors and patients perceive, use and relate to online health records, and how PAEHR may influence the doctor-patient relationship.

The study employs qualitative research methods including participant observation and qualitative interviews with doctors and patients inside and outside a hospital setting. Inspired by actor-network theory, PAEHR will be seen as a new actor in the context of health care (alongside other actors, such as doctors and patients). As part of the study, the historical emergence of PEAHR in Norway will also be described and analyzed, with a particular focus on how the challenges of social inequalities in health have been dealt with in the development of PAEHR.


The aims of the project are to generate new insight into:

  • how the new service becomes a part of the existing healthcare services
  • how doctors and patients use, perceive and relate to the new service
  • how the service may influence on the doctor-patient relationship
  • how patients make use of the content in their own records


  • Main supervisor: Kåre Moen
  • Co-supervisor: Anne Kveim Lie


University of Oslo

Start - Finish

20.9.2016 - 20.9.2020



Tags: Health records
Published Sep. 4, 2018 10:34 AM - Last modified July 30, 2019 11:33 AM


Detailed list of participants