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Research in peer learning (completed)

The aim of the network is to explore and test interventions in peer learning among same-level  students, different-level students, and students in different professional training programs. The aim is also to develop sound pedagogical practices in peer learning.


About the project

Research in peer learning is organized as a network for researchers working in professional health and social care education. It was established in 2005. Our main areas of research and development are:

  • Interprofessional and intraprofessional peer tutoring in the skills centre
  • Peer tutoring in classroom settings
  • Peer assessment on theoretical papers
  • Collaborative learning in the clinical setting in health institutions


The aim of the network is to explore and test interventions in peer learning among same-level students, different-level students, and students in different professional training programs. The aim is also to develop sound pedagogical practices in peer learning.


Theoretical perspectives are drawn from peer learning theories involving collaborative learning, peer assessment, and peer tutoring. Methodologically this research has a strong focus on field study approaches.


Several projects have been developed with different principal investigators within the group. The projects where Ida Torunn Bjørk, University of Oslo, is a participant are listed below:

  • Learning activities among 1st year nursing students during practice in a skills centre: an exploratory study. Methods: Video-observation and focus group interviews. Start 2008
  • Perspectives on dialogue during peer tutoring between 1st and 3rd year nursing students. Methods: Video-observation. Start 2008
  • Book project. Views on peer learning in the education of health and social care professionals. All members of the network. Start 2010


Oslo University College


Participants in the network are located at the University of Oslo and in the departments of physiotherapy, nursing, pedagogy and child welfare at Oslo University College.

Start - Finish

Continual ongoing research collaboration 

Published May 16, 2011 11:01 AM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 3:08 PM


Ida Torunn Bjørk


  • Ida Torunn Bjørk University of Oslo
  • Bjørg Christiansen
  • Lise Fogstad
  • Amelie Fougner
  • Kirsten Halse
  • Anton Havnes
  • Gøril Nordang
Detailed list of participants