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Competence development and drug management (completed)

Drug management represents an important part of patient safety.  This is a complex process and is therefore  a key area for competence development in the health services.  This project researches the multi-method learning environment around drug management and focuses on e-learning as a strategy for competence building and workplace learning

Photo: Anne Moen

About the project

Health care provides numerous examples of complex, knowledge-intensive activities. The ongoing standardization initiatives and ideals of ‘best practice’ along with easier access to a variety of knowledge resources offer opportunities, challenges, and new demands on nursing and nurses.

This project focuses on the development and use of e-learning as part of a multi-methods learning environment for quality assurance and effective drug management in hospitals.

The more retailed description of the current case study is available at Kompetanseutvikling og legemidelhåndtering (in Norwegian).


The project will research work-based competency development based on links between a) different knowledge resources and b) flexible learning environments that combine modern web-based support with traditional methods for competence building.

The research focus and themes are:

  1. The development of specific knowledge resources including processes and guidelines for establishing a multi-method learning environment and organisational initiatives.
  2. The introduction of and experiences from the multi-method learning environment with a focus on design, content, and need for workplace integration of learning and work
  3. The usefulness of a multi-method learning environment considering different professional groups, types of work, skills, changes, and development of 'best practice'.


This project's starting point is the need to document and understand the dynamics of competence building in knowledge intensive organisations and networks.  In such work environments, each worker's knowledge and competence is decisive for effective team work, problem solving, and patient safety.  The project will contribute to research on in-service training that actively uses e-learning strategies for competence building and work-based learning.  The work is organisaed in 4 thematic groups.  The empirical material will be gathered through inteviews, document review, and questionnaires.

Start - finish

2010 - 2013

Published Aug. 24, 2011 4:12 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 3:08 PM


Principal investigator

Anne Moen


  • Anne Moen University of Oslo
  • Grete Netteland
Detailed list of participants