Psycho-Social Health Following a Stroke (completed)

Developing a community based model for psycho-social rehabilitation

About the project

Despite important improvements in the medical treatment and rehabilitation of stroke sufferers, most people suffering a stroke must adjust to lasting consequences and changes in functional ability. Extensive research has documented the extent of psycho-social problems among stroke survivors, including high levels of anxiety, depression and social isolation. Nevertheless, little research has focused on how to support stroke survivors in the adjustment process during the first year following the stroke.

Our previous research, encompassing several longitudinal qualitative studies of stroke survivors, has documented that the adjustment process is lengthy and complex. Following up on these findings, we are now in the process of developing and testing a psycho-social intervention, the purpose of which is to support and promote personal coping strategies and resources.


The goal is to improve psychological well-being and quality of life among the participants. 


The intervention consists of 8 individualized meetings between the stroke survivor and a specially trained health professional within the first 6 months post-stroke.

Theoretically, the intervention is based on subjective conceptions of health and quality of life, empowerment theory and narrative psychology. Conducted as a qualitative intervention study with a participatory research approach, the intervention is developed in close collaboration with clinical experts within the specialized rehabilitation sectors and the primary healthcare sector.

In this exploratory study, a total of 25 stroke survivors will be enrolled in the intervention. Following a thorough evaluation of the developed intervention among patients and health professionals involved, the goal is to initiate a larger, controlled study.



Norwegian Foundation for Health and Rehabilitation (v/ 'Afasiforbundet' and 'Norske kvinners sanitetsforening') 


  • Hedmark University College
  • Innlandet Hospital Trust
  • Stange municipality
  • Elverum municipality
  • Oslo University Hospital
  • Bydel Østensjø
  • Bredtvet kompetansesenter
  • Haukeland University Hospital

Start - Finish

Began: 2007
Due to report: 2011

Published Apr. 8, 2011 8:25 AM - Last modified Feb. 9, 2022 12:19 PM


  • Marit Kirkevold University of Oslo
  • Berit Arnesveen Bronken University of Oslo
  • Kari Kvigne
  • Randi Martinsen
  • Marit Strømstad
  • Anita Engelberg
  • Siri Nordvang
  • Oddny Vasaasen
  • Bente Larsen
  • Gro Beate Samdal
  • Signe Gjærum
  • Ingunn Stormarken
  • Siv Veglo
Detailed list of participants