Norwegian version of this page

Rehabilitation needs, service provision and costs in the first year following traumatic injuries

Traumatic injury is the leading cause of disabilities, and has implications for the society due to the high cost of treatments and loss of productivity.

About the project

The studies assessing rehabilitation needs, service use and associated costs following traumatic injuries are scarce. This study will use the data from National Trauma Registry to estimate the prevalence of rehabilitation needs on country level. The costs estimation of rehabilitation interventions, healthcare, and social services and informal care will be performed. The study focusses on the first year following trauma when patients might be expected to gain functional independence because of specialized and community-based rehabilitation efforts. The study combines perspectives of under-researched areas of trauma, rehabilitation and services research, and health-economics in a mixed-methods approach. It involves multidisciplinary research teams, national and international collaborations, and explores the effects of organization, structure of care, and geographical region on patients’ outcomes, rehabilitation needs, family caregiver burden, and costs. It also explores the patients’ and their families’ experience with rehabilitation and healthcare services and perception of rehabilitation needs, hereby providing important information of use to health professionals, users and policy makers. The results will be of interest beyond the trauma population as this group represents patients with multi-faceted, long-term disabilities, and consequently, ongoing needs for rehabilitation services and support.

Public Involvement

A service user panel consisting of an earlier patient, a carer and a personal assistant has been established.


Regional Health Authority South East Norway


  • Oslo University Hospital
  • University Hospital of North Norway
  • Sunnaas Rehabilitation Hospital
  • National Trauma Registry, Norway
  • Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, USA
  • University of Turku /Turku University Hospital, Finland
  • Oxford Academic Health Science Centre/ Biomedical Research Centre, UK
  • Université de Versailles-Saint-Quentin, Garches, France
  • User organization/user panel

Postdoc and phd students

  • Mari S. Rasmussen is employed as Poskdoc; Håkon Moksnes and Christoph Schafer are employed as PhD students working on the project.


Selected publications

Published Nov. 15, 2019 3:16 PM - Last modified June 21, 2022 10:22 AM


Principal Investigator:

Nada Andelic


  • Cecilie Røe University of Oslo
  • Eline Aas University of Oslo
  • Grace Engen University of Oslo
  • Marit Kirkevold University of Oslo
  • Nada Hadzic-Andelic University of Oslo
  • Audny Anke
  • Christina Gaarder
  • Eirik Helseth
  • Elisabeth Jeppesen
  • Frank Becker
  • Helen Dawes
  • Helene L. Søberg
  • Hilde M. Dahl
  • Håkon Moksnes
  • Juan Lu
  • Khaled Meknas
  • Kristian Bartnes
  • Marianne Løvstad
  • Olav Røise
  • Olli Tenovuo
  • Paul B. Perrin
  • Philippe Azouvi
  • Pål Aksel Næss
  • Shirin Kordasti Frisvold
  • Torgeir Hellstrøm
  • Unni Sveen
Detailed list of participants