Norwegian version of this page

Acute/sub-acute functional decline in elderly home care recipients in Eastern Agder

Image may contain: Conversation, Drinking, Organism, Adaptation.

Scientific title

Identifying and initiating treatment and care among elderly home care recipients with acute/sub-acute functional decline in Eastern Agder.

About the project

The overall goal of this PhD project is to evaluate if the Early Identification of Life-threatening Conditions (TILT) scoring tool is suitable for early identification of serious conditions in frail elderly people receiving services from the municipality and whether the tool strengthens decision-making skills among health care professionals and the collaboration between the home care service and the general practitioners.


The main presentation of this project is in Norwegian.


Kristin Jeppestøl - PhD candidate

Line Kildal Bragstad - Main supervisor

Marit Kirkevold - Co-supervisor


The Norwegian Research Council

Tvedestrand Municipality

Start - Finish




  • Jeppestøl, Kristin; Kirkevold, Marit & Bragstad, Line Kildal (2023). Early warning scores and trigger recommendations must be used with care in older home nursing care patients: Results from an observational study. Nursing Open. ISSN 2054-1058. 10(7), p. 4737–4746. doi: 10.1002/nop2.1724. Full text in Research Archive
  • Jeppestøl, Kristin; Vitelli, Valeria; Kirkevold, Marit & Bragstad, Line Kildal (2021). Factors Associated With Care Trajectory Following Acute Functional Decline in Older Home Nursing Care Patients: A Prospective Observational Study. Home Health Care Management & Practice. ISSN 1084-8223. 34(1), p. 42–51. doi: 10.1177/10848223211034774.
  • Jeppestøl, Kristin; Kirkevold, Marit & Bragstad, Line Kildal (2021). Assessing acute functional decline in older patients in home nursing care settings using the Modified Early Warning Score: A qualitative study of nurses’ and general practitioners’ experiences . International Journal of Older People Nursing. ISSN 1748-3735. p. 1–11. doi: 10.1111/opn.12416. Full text in Research Archive

View all works in Cristin

Tags: Eldre, Geriatri, kommunal helse- og omsorgstjeneste
Published Dec. 19, 2019 6:01 PM - Last modified Feb. 9, 2022 12:18 PM


  • Line Kildal Bragstad University of Oslo
  • Marit Kirkevold University of Oslo
  • Kristin Jeppestøl University of Oslo
  • Kristine Kvamme
Detailed list of participants