
Here you will find events either organised by us or events we participate in.  


Time and place: , African Studies Department, University of Bayreuth

Ruth Prince gives a research seminar at the University of Bayreuth´s African Studies Department on 6th December, on the topic of “Cancer, private healthcare and the middle class: perspectives from Kenya”.

Time and place: , Online

In recent years, academic critique recently has been put under scrutiny. Team members Tom Neumark and Jamie Wintrup have organised this panel for the Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK 2021 conference to ask, what are our responsibilities, as anthropologists, to provide critical evidence on objects that we support, find desirable, and wish to see existing in the world?

Time and place: , Zoom

Global Africa Virtual Symposium, hosted by Rutgers University. 

Time and place: , Online

Online workshop "Fifty Years of Social Medicine: Critique, Utopias, and Networks of Knowledge", hosted by University of Lausanne, University of Vienna and University of Strasbourg.


The Universal Health Coverage Project at UiO joins The Association of Social Anthropologists of the UK’s 2021 conference is an online event hosted by the Department of Social Anthropology at the University of St Andrews. 

Time and place: , Zoom

Many countries in Africa have managed the pandemic well, but has the global community acknowledged and been willing to take possible lessons from this?

Time and place: , Cardiff

Team members Ruth Prince, Victoria Muinde and David Bannister are organising a stream of thematic panels at the annual conference of the UK African Studies Association, to be held from 8-10 September in Cardiff this year. The stream is hosted by our UHC in Africa project, and all team members are helping to convene individual panels, in collaboration with partners from other research institutions.  


Project member David Bannister will present a paper on archival resilience and the historiography of health in post-independence Ghana from 1957-2019, at the 2020 biennial Society for the Social History of Medicine Conference, to be held from July 8-11 in Swansea, UK. The paper is part of a panel titled 'Archival resilience in global health history: aspects of preservation and failure', convened by John Manton at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and Cristoph Gradmann at the University of Oslo. The panel includes further papers by Noemi Tousignant, Cristoph Gradmann and John Manton. 

Time and place: , Leiden, Netherlands

Project member David Bannister will present a paper on primary healthcare, health planning and the language of governance at the 2020 European Social Science and History Conference (ESSHC), to be held from March 18-21 in Leiden, Netherlands. The paper is part of a panel titled ‘Primary Health Care’ in Post-War Global Health: Making and Meaning', convened by Martin Gorsky at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. The panel includes papers by Hayley Brown, John Manton and Erica Nelson. 


Team member Jacinta Victoria Muinde presented a paper titled ‘From upcountry, from abroad’: An ethnographic experience in a postcolonial context in Kenya', at a conference organised by the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo at The British Institute in Eastern Africa, Nairobi, on 11 December 2019

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Stort Møterom

“Rightful Shares and Claims of Presence: Distributive Politics beyond Labor and Citizenship”

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus

Welcome to our workshop on "Curious Utopias". The keynote lecture is by Professor James Ferguson,  Stanford University and is open to the public.


Team member Victoria Muinde presented a paper at the ECAS (European Conference on African Studies), University of Edinburgh, 11-14 June 2019, as part of a panel part-convened by the project on “Welfare, redistribution and new forms of the "public good”. 


Project member David Bannister co-convened a panel and presented this paper at ECAS (European Conference on African Studies), University of Edinburgh, 11-14 June 2019. The paper was part of a panel titled “Remembering Alma Ata? Revisiting 'health for all' amid aspirations for universal health coverage in Africa”.


Team member David Bannister presented a paper titled ‘The periphery’s periphery: northern Ghana in the past and present of global health, 1900-2015’, at Sites of Health, a Symposium on the Medical Humanities, Shanghai, organized by University of Strathclyde, University of Shanghai, and the Wellcome Trust.


Project member Victoria Muinde presented a paper titled 'Winning women’s hearts: women, patriarchy and electoral politics in Kenya’s South Coast' drawn from her recently published book chapter (2018) which focuses on women’s conceptions of care and navigation in politics. Presented at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, United States International University – Africa (USIU), Nairobi, on 21 March 2019. 

Time and place: , Birmingham

Addressing Inequality: New forms of Welfare, Social Protection and Citizenship in Africa