Universal Health Coverage and the Public Good in Africa: An Anthropological Study

Funded by the European Research Council (Panel SH5), this project critically examines state-led moves towards Universal Health Coverage in four African countries, and associated debates about the public good.

Hospital Kenya

Our research explores how African governments are experimenting with new forms of healthcare and welfare, and what this means for the relationship between the state and its citizens.

Our countries of study include Kenya, Tanzania, Ghana, Zambia, and Madagascar - representing four geographical and political regions which offer comparative potential due to differences in histories of state formation, colonialism, welfare, and healthcare. In each of these regions, aspirations for universal health care and coverage appear to revitalise mid-20th century hopes for inclusive citizenship but proceed amidst continued privatisation and austerity. 


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Reading Group: Critique and anthropology

Our reading group aims to provide an opportunity for interested scholars to explore both older and more recent discussions about academic practices of critique as a way to think further about what is at stake for researching and writing about our damaged, shared world. The reading group will be held online, last 1.5 hours, and will take place once a month, beginning Tuesday 8th March at 3pm  Read more and join our reading group here

Tags: anthropology, global health, medical anthropology, Africa, welfare, health insurance, Citizenship
Published May 3, 2021 1:08 PM - Last modified Apr. 29, 2024 11:28 AM