Events attended and organised by the project 2018-2019

This is an overview of events 2018-2019 organized or co-organized by the project (workshops, conference panels, project seminars), and an overview of project-relevant presentations, papers and seminars given by members of the project team.

Professor James Ferguson addresses participants at the UHC in Africa project's 'Curious Utopias' workshop, September 2019

Upcoming Events

  • March 2020. David Bannister will present a paper at the European Conference on Social Sciences and History, Leiden, Netherlands, as part of the panel ‘‘Primary Health Care’ in Post-War Global Health: Making and Meaning’. Paper title ‘Into the hitherto untouched periphery’: Planning, Primary Health Care and changing idioms of health governance in Ghana, 1957-1996’
  • September 2020. Ruth Prince, Victoria Muinde and David Bannister are organising a thematic panel stream on ‘New moral economies of care and welfare in Africa. A return to the universal?’, for the 2020 UK African Studies Association Conference, taking place from 8-10 September in Cardiff. 

Previous Events

  • December 2019 -  Team member Victoria Jacinta Muinde presented a paper titled ‘From upcountry, from abroad’: An ethnographic experience in a postcolonial context in Kenya', at a conference organised by the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo at The British Institute in Eastern Africa, Nairobi

  • November 20, 2019 - Team member Victoria Jacinta Muinde presented a paper at the University of Oslo's African Anthropology seminar, titled 'Eating and sharing: Universal Health Coverage, citizenship and narratives of ‘free’ public healthcare in Kenya'

  • October 2019 – David Bannister presented a paper at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine in London, as part of the Histories in Global Health Seminar Series. Paper title: 'Remembering the cost: oral history and payment for health services in Ghana, 1945-2019'

  • September 2019 – The group organised and hosted the workshop “Curious Utopias: Large and Small Blueprints for Human Society” in Oslo, with keynote speaker James Ferguson. Team members also presented the following papers: Ruth Prince, ‘A politics of numbers: Registering citizens for Universal Health Coverage in Kenya’; Thomas Neumark, ‘Leapfrogging all the way to utopia: New digital technologies and the public good in Africa’; Victoria Muinde, ‘Hopeful living: citizenship, resilience and the crisis of healthcare disparities in Kenya’; Jamie Wintrup, ‘Achieving universal health coverage in rural Zambia: utopian and dystopian visions in the development of a community health worker programme’; David Bannister, ‘Absent Utopias in Ghanaian healthcare: Independence, Alma Ata, and the Information Age, 1957-2019’

  • Professor Peter Redfield, University of North Carolina spoke at the “Global Health Unpacked” seminar series on Thursday 5 September 2019. The topic of his talk was “A Mobile Milieu:  Humanitarian Equipment and the Politics of Need”
  • July 2019 – David Bannister attended and presented at the triennial Ghana Studies Association Conference, in Accra. Paper title ‘Colonial tsetse control and post-independence onchocerciasis in Ghana’.

  • ECAS (European Conference on African Studies), University of Edinburgh, 11-14 June 2019. The project team co-convened two panels, the first on “Welfare, redistribution and new forms of the "public good”, the second “Remembering Alma Ata? Revisiting 'health for all' amid aspirations for universal health coverage in Africa”. Papers presented: David Bannister, 'Paper Title: ‘Care, Adjustment, Coverage: Oral History and the Diffusion of Global Health Policy in Ghana, 1945-2019’. Vickie Muinde: 'Eating and sharing: Universal Health Coverage, citizenship and narratives of ‘free’ public healthcare in Kenya'
  • Invited paper, Workshop, “Making Medicine in Austere Times: Materialities, Moralities and Politics of Care”, MAS Symposium, University of Bern, 11-13 June, 2019. Ruth Prince, “Care in Crisis: Cancer and the Body Politic in Kenya”
  • April 2019 – Sites of Health, a Symposium on the Medical Humanities, Shanghai, organized by University of Strathclyde, University of Shanghai, and the Wellcome Trust. David Bannister attended this 3-day conference and presented a paper, ‘The periphery’s periphery: northern Ghana in the past and present of global health, 1900-2015’.
  • March 2019 - Vickie Muinde presented a paper titled 'Winning women’s hearts: women, patriarchy and electoral politics in Kenya’s South Coast' from her recently published book chapter (2018) which focuses on women’s conceptions of care and navigation in politics. Presented at the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, United States International University – Africa (USIU), Nairobi.
  • March 2019 - Vickie Muinde, Jamie Wintrup and Edwin Ameso attended the Africa Health Agenda International Conference in Kigali, Rwanda. Conference Theme: 2030 Now: Multi-sectoral action to achieve Universal Health Coverage in Africa
  • March 2019 - SUM ‘Global Health Unpacked’ Seminar Series, University of Oslo. Presentation: David Bannister, ‘History, policy, and the road to Universal Health Coverage in Ghana, 1930-2015’.

  • Invited seminar, Dept of Social Anthropology, University of Oslo, Departmental seminar series, March 14, 2019. Paper: Ruth Prince, “Public Goods and Private Markets: new forms of welfare, social protection, and citizenship in Kenya”.
  • February 2019 – David Bannister participated in a radio debate on UHC in Africa, broadcast by the BBC World Service.

  • Full day project seminar with Dr John Manton, historian, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, February 6th, 2019 on “Histories and historical methodologies of health systems research”.
  • January 2019 – David Bannister attended and participated in a seminar on ‘Health for All’ at 40: The history and politics of community health worker programmes’, held at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London.
  • January 2019 - Vickie Muinde attended the Kenya Healthcare Students Summit 2019 in Nairobi. Conference theme: Towards a multidisciplinary approach for the achievement of Universal Health Coverage in Kenya.
  • December 2018 – David Bannister and Victoria Muinde presented papers on their proposed project research to the Medical Anthropology and History seminar group, part of the Institute for Health and Society, University of Oslo

  • Conference, “The Political Origins of Health inequities and Universal Coverage”, Oslo, Centre for Environment and Development (SUM), November 1-2, 2018. Invited paper: Ruth Prince, “Universal Health Coverage and the Public Good: Critical Perspectives from Kenya”.
  • Full day Project Workshop, “Universal Health Coverage and the Public Good in Africa”, at University of Oslo, October 31, 2018.
  • October 2018 – Civil Society Engagement Mechanism on Universal Health Coverage. David Bannister attended the meeting of the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for the United Nation’s ‘UHC2030’ process: presented the project to a gathering of civil society UHC organisations
  • October 2018 – Partners in Health ‘Side Meeting on Universal Health Coverage’. David Bannister attended a 1-day side meeting to the Astana Conference, looking at Universal Health Coverage – the event was organized and hosted by Partners in Health, the Kazakhstan Ministry of Health and the Global Financing Facility.
  • October 2018 – Astana Global Conference on Primary Care. David Bannister attended the Inter-government Astana Conference (organised by the UN and WHO) as a representative of the project.

  • Thematic stream and 4 panels on “Addressing Inequality: New forms of welfare and social protection in Africa”, organized by Ruth Prince at the African Studies Association of the UK (ASAUK) Biannual Conference, University of Birmingham, September 11-14, 2018.
  • Workshop on “Chronic Disease in Africa: A Critical History of an Epidemiological Transition”, UCL Centre for Advanced Studies, September 5-6, 2018. Presentation: Ruth Prince, “Chronic disease, multiple morbidity, and the pursuit of care in Kenya”.
  • Conference on “Valuing Health”, University of Edinburgh, September 4-5, 2018. Presentation: Ruth Prince, “Universal Health Coverage and new forms of the public good: health insurance markets in East Africa”.

  • Conference on “Mapping Morality in Global Health”, University of Cambridge, CRASSH, June 21-23, 2018. Presentation: Ruth Prince, “Universal Health Coverage: Social justice, technical pragmatism or neoliberal cooptation?”

  • CERMES 3, “Global Health seminar series”, May 16, 2018. Presentation Ruth Prince, “Universal Health Coverage and the Public Good in Africa: Anthropological Perspectives”.




Published Aug. 12, 2019 9:17 AM - Last modified Oct. 4, 2023 9:44 AM