Somatosphere Special Issue - Health for All?

In April this year our project collated and published a special issue in Somatosphere, on Universal Health Coverage and the contemporary renewal of rhetorical or concrete aspirations towards 'Health for All' entailed by UHC. The issue comprises 13 separate articles, with authors and collaborators from a range of institutions. Links to the articles are below - our thanks to the editorial team at Somatosphere, and to the many authors from beyond the project who contributed to the issue.  

Image may contain: Umbrella, Illustration, Font.

Promotional materials from the global campaign to achieve Universal Health Coverage by the year 2030. Copyright UHC2030 – reproduced here under ‘fair use’ for academic purposes.

The issue and articles are linked below:

1. Utopian aspirations in a dystopian world: “Health for all” and the Universal Health Coverage agenda – an Introduction by project member Ruth Prince (University of Oslo).

2. The hype and hope of data for healthcare in Africa by project member Tom Neumark (University of Oslo).  

3. Achieving Universal Health Coverage in Zambia: state accountability and universality in a new community health worker programme by project member Jamie Wintrup (University of Oslo).  

4.Futures and the past in Ghana’s Universal Health Coverage infrastructure by project member David Bannister (University of Oslo).  

5. A Politics of numbers? Digital registration in Kenya’s experiments with universal health coverage by project member Ruth Prince (University of Oslo).  

6. The Public-Private Welfare State: constructing a data-driven health coverage in India by , Centre for the Study of Social Movements. 

7. Health Insurance for the poor: insights from the Kenyan coast by project member Jacinta Victoriae Muinde (University of Oslo).  

8. A ‘grand projet’: Universal Health Coverage and social protection in Senegal by Anna Wood (University of Cambridge)

9. Defining Wellbeing: Tensions in the World Bank’s approach to Universal Health Coverage by Marlee Tichenor (University of Edinburgh)

10. Human rights/human capital: a hundred years of ‘universal’ health coverage as a global goal by Martin Gorsky and Christopher Sirrs (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)

11. Health for all? Access to healthcare among precarious populations in Norway by Vilde Fastvold Thorbjørnsen (University of Oslo).

12. Entrepreneurship and E-Health: How Promises of Innovation are Transforming India’s Primary Care Sector by Sandra Bärnreuther (University of Lucerne).

13. Health Technology Assessments: the metrical evangelization of UHC in India by Robert D. Smith, Graduate Institute of Geneva.

Published Sep. 8, 2020 9:06 PM - Last modified Sep. 8, 2020 9:06 PM