Critique and anthropology – an online reading group

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During our research project, Universal Health Coverage and the Public Good in Africa, we have often found ourselves discussing the academic practice of critique, which many social scientists, including social anthropologists and historians, claim to do. Indeed, few of us would want to be considered uncritical thinkers.

While critique is a broad church, one common thread is said to entail what Ricœur called a ‘hermeneutics of suspicion’ which leads to revealing both what is hidden and who hides it. Recently, this critical project has come under increased scrutiny. A body of literature has argued that there are limits to critique and that we must find ways to rethink or move beyond it (e.g. Latour 2005, Felski 2015). Such arguments have also concerned many scholars and led to attempts to defend, as well as retool, the critical project (Fassin 2018).

Our reading group aims to provide an opportunity for interested scholars to explore both older and more recent discussions about academic practices of critique as a way to think further about what is at stake for researching and writing about our damaged, shared world.

Who is this group for?

The group is run by anthropologists, but we welcome those who share the same sorts of theoretical and/or methodological inclinations. Readings will be decided by the group, but we expect to include literature from disciplines beyond anthropology, including the humanities, philosophy, sociology, and geography.

When and Where

The reading group will be held online, last 1.5 hours, and will take place once a month. We hope there will also be some physical meet-ups in Oslo where we can meet more socially! 

We want to establish a space where we can talk openly and for our understanding of critique to develop together over time. For that reason, we would really like group members to attend every month, if possible. 

The first meeting will be at 2pm on Tuesday 8th March. Zoom link and reading(s) will be circulated well before that date.

Sign Up

If you are interested in participating, please email Tom Neumark at We are also keen to hear suggestions for potential sub-topics and specific readings.

Tom Neumark, Institute for Health and Society and Centre for Development and the Environment, UiO

Ruth Prince (PI), Institute for Health and Society, UiO


Published Feb. 3, 2022 11:42 AM - Last modified Sep. 18, 2023 12:29 PM