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Muni-Health-Care Research School

The research school aims to contribute to improving the quality of research focused on municipal health and care services in Norway. The research school is funded by the Research Council of Norway (NFR) from 2016 to 2023, and starting from spring 2023, there will no longer be regular admissions to Muni-Health-Care.

About us

The research school is a supplement to the existing PhD education at universities and colleges in Norway. We offer credit-bearing PhD courses and emphasize networking opportunities for both students and supervisors. This is facilitated through annual gatherings where the entire research school comes together, webinars, dedicated supervisor meetings, and support for exchange periods at foreign universities.


1. Educate a critical mass of researchers whose main expertise and research interest is in the development of quality health and care services in the municipality

2. To foster increased national and international mobility among PhD students.

3. To contribute to stronger competence among the supervisors.

4. To contribute to building a research culture in municipal health and care sector through close collaboration between municipalities, specialist services, universities, and university colleges.

5. To contribute to an increase in the number of long-term research programs aimed at developing knowledge and innovation in the municipal health and care services

6. To contribute to developing sound scientific evidence for improved preventive and health promoting health care services, rehabilitation and habilitation services, and elderly care in the municipality

7. To develop a network of researchers who can contribute to collaborative research and development across municipalities throughout Norway


The Muni-Health-Care Research School, led by the University of Oslo, is organized as a consortium and is a collaboration between the University of Oslo, the University of Bergen, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, UiT The Arctic University of Norway, OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University, NTNU in Gjøvik, and Nord University. The research school was established in 2016 and is funded by the Research Council of Norway until 2023.


The research school's leadership is organized in an executive committee, representing geographic and professional diversity. This group has the overall academic responsibility and is responsible for the joint activities in the school. Marit Kirkevold (UiO) is the director of the research school, and Linda Aasvangen is the administrative coordinator with the "day-to-day" responsibility for collaborative activities and the research school´s program.

Mid-term evaluation of Muni-Health-Care

In 2020, the Norwegian Research Council (RCN) conducted a mid-term evaluation of all the eleven researcher schools which were founded in 2016. Muni-Health-Care received a very good evaluation, and the RCN concluded that "This is an excellent and well-driven research school" (Midtveisevalueringen, NFR 2020). 


Published Jan. 28, 2024 8:27 PM - Last modified Jan. 28, 2024 8:27 PM