Complex Interventions in the Municipal Health and Care Services

Most interventions in the municipal health and care services are complex interventions in that they comprise several interacting elements and are performed by a number of different actors in complex contexts. This course presents the framework of complex interventions developed by the Medical Research Council of UK and discusses essential methodological issues in developing, conducting and evaluating complex interventions. Examples of complex intervention studies will be presented and analyzed. The participants will be provided opportunities to discuss their own studies.


PhD candidates from The National research school for research in the municipal health care services (MUNI-HEALTH-CARE) will get first priority admission to the course. PhD candidates at the partner institutions of MUNI-HEALTH-CARE and other universities and university colleges in Norway and EEA can apply for admission to the course. Documentation of admission to a PhDprogramme is required.

Apply before January 15


After the course, the participants will be able to:

  1. Identify and discuss the most important problems/issues in relation to designing, planning and conducting complex interventions within the municipal health- and care services
  2. Know about essential methods for designing and testing of complex interventions
  3. Identify important methodological problems in designing, testing and evaluating complex interventions
  4. Discuss his/her own study (when relevant) in light of the issues and methods presented in the lectures and literature of the course


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Publisert 4. nov. 2016 10:24 - Sist endret 3. jan. 2017 14:42