Health care service research on and with multiethnic populations

Municipal health care services both consist of and serve a diverse population. Social, economic, historical, and cultural positioning of individuals intersect and impact on individual health, access to and encounters with health care services. Since such intersections have consequences for the provision and reception of care, this is a particularly pertinent area for research.

Apply for this course at UiT before 1. February

Brief description

In this course, the complex relationship between health care services and multiethnic populations is critically illuminated through the introduction of theoretical perspectives ranging from theories of culturally safe services, to critical cultural theory and intersectionality theory. Furthermore, possibilities and limitations of qualitative and quantitative research methods in research on aspects of the relationships between health care services and multiethnic populations are thematized. Moreover, the course focuses on ethical considerations regarding research on and with multiethnic populations. This course is highly relevant for researchers interested in municipal health care service delivery as well as user involvement and user experiences.

Welcome to Tromsø!

Screenhot movie from Tromsø
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Learning outcomes


  • Has knowledge of and reflects critically on theoretical perspectives of relevance for health care service research on and with multiethnic populations, such as perspectives on cultural safety, critical cultural theory, and intersectionality perspectives
  • Has insight into and reflects critically on methodological frameworks of relevance for health care service research on and with multiethnic populations, such as indigenous methodology
  • Evaluate the expediency and application of qualitative and quantitative approaches to health care service research on and with multiethnic populations


  • Discuss the relevance of multiethnic perspectives in own research
  • Explain the implications of using interpreters in health care service research on and with multiethnic populations
  • Formulates and reflects critically on the implications of the researchers position as insider and/or outsider in health care service research on and with multiethnic populations
  • Can formulate relevant ethical issues in health care service research on and with multiethnic populations

General competence

  • Can assess the need for and describe strategies for user involvement in research
  • Can participate in debates regarding the implications of the context of research


Home exam, a written paper of aprox. 3000 words. Discussion of own research using theoretical framework and/ or concepts presented throughout the course

The paper will be graded on a pass/ fail grade

In case of fail grade: There will be an opportunity to submit a revised exam paper at the beginning of the next term

Schedule and Syllabus

For further information on literature and schedule, follow this link to UiT

Publisert 30. juni 2017 15:51 - Sist endret 10. aug. 2020 14:47