Trude Hartviksen

The research project aims to deepen knowledge and understanding of how healthcare middle managers (HMM) develop capacity and capability to manage their leader role in a healthcare system characterized by high complexity.


Trude Hartviksen. Foto: privat

Om prosjektet

The project has a critical hermeneutic foundation, chosen to interpret reality and to add knowledge for change. The setting is healthcare organizations in rural municipalities in the northern part of Norway. The participants are healthcare middle managers in a learning network which aims to develop improvement knowledge, implement improvement projects, and to develop the relational context between cooperative health organizations in patient pathways.

This is a threefold study, with methods including a systematic review and focus group interviews. The study is planned to lead to an intervention, executed as a pilot study, and followed up through a postdoc Project.

Prosjektets mål

 The ambition is theoretically and empirically to strengthen the quality of knowledge-based professional practice in healthcare, as it is experienced by the users of healthcare services.

Prosjektets bakgrunn

Healthcare middle managers (HMM) are as leaders close to clinical practice, with a crucial role translating top-level policies, strategies and means, ending in practical improvement. Healthcare middle management is traditionally characterized by strategic planning, implementing concrete tasks, in a leadership structure based on hierarchical and linear models. This models has a lacking ability to account for present highly complex healthcare organizations. There is a lack of knowledge of how HMM develop capacity and capability to handle leadership in this complex context.

Prosjektets tittel

Healthcare middle managers’ experiences of change in their capacity and capability



Publisert 21. sep. 2016 00:00 - Sist endret 15. jan. 2021 10:13