Cathrine Hjorth Hansen

Due to demographic changes the number of people living with dementia is increasing. The course of dementia is progressive, and especially people with severe dementia require support to maintain an everyday life. However, more knowledge is needed on how to care for the growing number of people living with severe dementia in nursing homes.


Foto: Privat

Bakgrunn for prosjektet

The majority of the support for people living with severe dementia is provided by caregivers in nursing homes. At present, conventional dementia care is being criticised, and especially the wide use of psychotropic medications has become subject to criticism. Consequently, there is a need to identify new ways to care for the growing number of people with dementia.

Om prosjektet

The project is an ethnographic field study and takes places in the private nursing home Dagmarsminde, which accommodates ten residents suffering from severe dementia. Dagmarsminde is the first Danish nursing home in which all antipsychotics and sedatives have been removed from the daily care. Instead, caregivers work with a variety of care initiatives such as music, exercises, pets, fresh air, massage and physical contact in an attempt to decrease dementia symptoms and increase quality of life among residents. In this study, I use participant observations, in-depth interviews with relatives and focus group interviews with caregivers to explore and understand the culture of care in Dagmarsminde.

Prosjektets mål

The main objective of this PhD project is to obtain new knowledge about dementia care. The results will be transformed into specific recommendations to help facilitate an improved practice of dementia care in the future.

Prosjektets tittel

Care in a specialised nursing home for people suffering from severe dementia. An ethnographic field study in Dagmarsminde.

Publisert 21. sep. 2017 00:00 - Sist endret 15. jan. 2021 09:59