Patience Kawamala

There is an increasing ethnic and cultural diversity among the staff in Norwegian nursing homes. However, the content of management of multicultural staff in leadership education is hardly found. There is therefore lack of knowledge in the way leaders handle such complex intersections based on multicultural staff in their daily practices.


Foto: Privat

Bakgrunn for prosjektet

The inclusion of immigrants in the society through labour is one of the key measures for integration. Consequently, immigrants increasingly contribute as workers in the Norwegian health care sector, including the nursing homes. Even though the immigrant integration has addressed the problem of labour deficiency in nursing homes, it brings about curiosity on its implication for nursing home leaders who are managing such culturally different staff, as well as the multi ethnic employees who are expected to work under the majority leadership.

Om prosjektet

The study is a descriptive explorative one, with a qualitative ethnographic approach, specifically focusing on the way leadership shapes and is itself shaped by the multicultural working environment. It employs observation as a major method and follow up interviews. The study will partly inform an intervention, followed by a postdoc project, on training leaders of multicultural staff in nursing homes.

Prosjektets mål

The main objective of this study is to explore the interaction between leaders, minority and majority staff as well as service recipients in nursing homes and the way this interaction influences immigrant integration, working environment/culture, and agency of leaders and employees

Prosjektets tittel

The role of cultural consciousness and knowledge development in managing multicultural staff in Norwegian nursing homes


Publisert 21. sep. 2017 00:00 - Sist endret 15. jan. 2021 10:02