Helle Elisabeth Andersen

The overall purpose of this study is to develop a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of ‘caring responsibility’ as experienced by older, ill persons aged 80+ and their adult children in the context of being cared for at home.

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Prosjektets bakgrunn

The group of people, aged 80 years or more will increase, leading to issues of concerns regarding quality of care and rising healthcare costs. In this group, many will live with decreasing functional capacity, the risk of frailty, and dependency. Furthermore, many will live alone in own home relying on support from primary healthcare and informal caregivers like adult children. Pressured healthcare systems and shorter hospital length of stay mean that adult children find themselves supporting their older parent who is still unwell after discharge.

Om prosjektet

The study has a qualitative approach inspired by Reflective Lifeworld Research, drawing on phenomenology and hermeneutic philosophies. Data are generated through interviews and diaries. Participants are selected at a department of geriatric medicine using the following inclusion criteria for older persons: 1) entitled to primary healthcare, 2) aged 80+ years, 3) living alone, 4) not diagnosed with dementia, 5) have at least one adult child living nearby and taking care of his/her parent. The adult child, who is the primary caregiver according to the older parent, will be invited to participate.

Prosjektets mål

The study aims are:

  • To describe insights into the phenomenon of caring responsibility from the perspectives of persons aged 80+ living alone with chronic illness, frailty, and dependency on adult children after a recent hospitalization.
  • To describe insights into experiences of adult children with caring responsibility for an old chronically ill parent with frailty. 
  • To describe insights into older persons’ and their adult children’s experiences with caring responsibility as exercised by healthcare professionals in primary healthcare

Prosjektets tittel

Who cares? Caring responsibility from the perspectives of older, ill persons and their adult children in primary healthcare.

Av Helle Elisabeth Andersen
Publisert 21. sep. 2018 00:00 - Sist endret 28. okt. 2020 11:27