Katrine Staats

Facing end-of-life, the majority of older people desire to live in the familiarity of their own home and to die there. Home speaks to the caring part of a person - caring about someone and being cared for. The Norwegian health- and care authorities aim to secure all citizens the right to die in a dignified manner. However, what is the basis for a dignified death? And how can we increase dignity-preserving care?

Foto: UiB


Treating people with dignity and respect highlights the feeling of being of worth and being valued as an individual. Knowledge concerning factors promoting a dignified death among female patients with incurable cancer is presently insufficient. Additionally, the Norwegian Research Council encourages increased research on gender-specific aspects related to women’s health and disease.

Om prosjektet

The study have a qualitative, descriptive, and explorative design, based on hermeneutic methodology. In-depth interviews with patients, informal caregivers and general practitioners, focus groups with cancer care nurses and participation observations generated data.

Prosjektets mål

The aim is to identify and document dimensions crucial for dignity experience in the daily lives of older women living with incurable cancer at home. The overarching purpose is to add to the sparse base of knowledge and strengthen the foundation for developing dignity-preserving home-based palliative care.

Prosjektets tittel

Dying with dignity - Dignity-preserving care for older women living at home with incurable cancer

Av Katrine Staats
Publisert 21. sep. 2018 00:00 - Sist endret 28. okt. 2020 11:28