Laura Corneliusson

As health care expenditures are projected to increase due to longevity and demographic change, in combination with the rising amounts of reported loneliness among older people, housing models focusing on supporting the sociability and psychosocial wellbeing of older people have increased during the past years. One of these preventative housing models that has emerged in Sweden is sheltered housing, which has a focus on providing a safe environment and increased opportunities to social participation.

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Prosjektets bakgrunn

Swedish sheltered housing (trygghetsboende) provides older people, whom feel anxious, lonely or unsafe, the opportunity to move into an apartment that has accessible spaces, a hostess present at certain hours of the week to help arrange social activities, and common areas to help promote the social participation of residents. Increased social participation while residing in sheltered housing is expected to increase resident wellbeing, and thereby support health and independence, ultimately reducing and postponing the need for health care services. Despite the increasing amount of sheltered housing in Sweden, the effects and experiences of living in a sheltered housing are currently largely uncharted; very limited national studies have been done, and there has been no large scale study into the effects or experiences of sheltered housing homes for older people in the Swedish context.

Om prosjektet

Based on data obtained from surveys sent to residents in sheltered housing and aging in place, as well as focus group interviews and registry data, this project aims to fill the gap in knowledge on the wellbeing, health, resource use and experiences of residents living in sheltered housing. The overall aim of this project, which consists of four studies, is to explore the experiences and outcomes of residing in sheltered housing, compared to those aging in place, with regards to functional status, self-rated health, thriving, and wellbeing.

Prosjektets mål

  • To explore the characteristics and health status of older people in sheltered housing in Sweden, compared to those ageing in place.
  • To explore to what extent type of residence (sheltered housing or aging in place) contributes to thriving and wellbeing, when controlling for age, sex, living alone, being a widow, functional status, self-rated health and depressive mood.
  • To illuminate aspects of sheltered housing that support and/or obstruct thriving (understood as place-related wellbeing), as described by residents.
  • To describe the longitudinal migration patterns of residents living in sheltered housing compared to those aging in place.

Prosjektets tittel

Health and Wellbeing in Swedish Sheltered Housing

Av Laura Corneliusson
Publisert 21. sep. 2018 00:00 - Sist endret 28. okt. 2020 11:29