Randomised controlled trials in general practice

This course addresses methods in performing randomised controlled trials in general practice with a special emphasize on cluster randomised trials. Students will develop an understanding of how to plan, implement, analyze, report and evaluate RCTs.

Course team: Prof. Elin Olaug Rosvold (EOR), Prof. Jørund Straand (JS), Svein Gjelstad (SG), MD, PhD, Prof. Morten Lindbæk (ML)

Language: Norwegian and English

Number of participants: 40.  Open course. Priority: NAFALM students .

Study points: 4 ECTS  (4 days with examination. Litterature: 360 pages)


Application deadline: 1.october



Publisert 10. feb. 2014 10:01 - Sist endret 11. aug. 2015 13:29