
Avlagte ph.d fra 1990 - 2009, ved den tidligere Gruppen for trygdemedisin.

  • Østerås N. Functional assessments. A study on functional ability in a population, and structured assessments in general practice. 2009.
  • Kamaleri Y. Number of pain sites. Does it matter? Epidemiological studies of musculoskeletal pain. 2009.
  • Syed H. Migration and mental health; a focus on Pakistani immigrants in Oslo. 2009.
  • Lie AK. Radesykens tilblivelse. Historien om en sykdom. 2008.
  • Gamperiene M. Health and work environment among women in unskilled occupations. 2008.
  • Piro FN. The influence of the physical and the social environment on health: - A population based multilevel study in Oslo, Norway. 2008.
  • Solli HM. Rettferdighet og objektivitet I trygdemedisinske uførhetsvurderinger. En etisk og vitenskapsfilosofisk analyse av tre uførhetsmodeller i et historisk perspektiv. 2007.
  • Storesund A. Akutt sykelighet og forebyggende helsearbeid i Telemark 1860-1900. 2005.
  • Næss Ø. Life course approaches to socio-economic inequalities in adult cause specific mortality. A registry based epidemiological study of the population in Oslo. 2005.
  • Reiso H. Work ability and sickness absence. A follow-up study in general practice. August 2004.
  • Lund J. Epidemiology, registration and prevention of accidental injuries. September 2004.
  • Steihaug S. Fra trening og undervisning til bevegelse og samhandling. Anerkjennelse av kvinner med kroniske muskelsmerter. 2002.
  • Strand K. Pregnancy at work - work conditions, job adjustment and sickness absence in pregnancy. 2001.
  • Ueland Ø. Product-related Injuries in Norway – Occurrence, Risk factors and Safety measures. 2001.
  • Natvig B. Musculoskeletal pain. From humdrum nuisance to chronic, disabling disease. 2001.
  • Haugli L, Steen E. Kroniske muskel/skjelettsmerter og selvforståelse. 2000.
  • Schiøtz A. Distriktslegen – institusjonen som forsvant. Det offentlige legevesen 1900-1984. 2000.
  • Aarflot T. Is chronic widespread musculoskeletal pain part of a multisymptom syndrome? 1999.
  • Wergeland E. Healthy working conditions in pregnancy. 1999.
  • Brage S. Musculoskeletal health problems and sickness absence. An epidemiological study of concepts, determinants, and consequences. 1998.
  • Eriksen WB. A study on potential determinants and consequences of young adult’s- especially parent’s, smoking behaviour, and on effects of an information programme. 1998.
  • Sandanger I. Occurrence of psychiatric disorders. An epidemiological study, conceptual, methodological, and empirical issue. 1998.
  • Sandvik L. Prediction of cardiovascular mortality, with special emphasis on physical fitness. A 16-year follow-up study of 2014 healthy middle-aged men. 1996.
  • Claussen B. Deprived of work and health? A two year follow-up of long term unemployed from Grenland, Norway, 1988-92. 1994.
  • Tellnes G. Sickness certification - an epidemiological study related to community medicine and general practice. 1990.
Publisert 2. mars 2011 10:24 - Sist endret 4. juni 2020 11:08