CHARMs møte med det vitenskapelige rådet

Neste møte holdes (NB! Nytt møtested):

Torsdag, 15 november 2012  kl. 13:00 - 18:15

Fredag, 16 november 2012  kl. 09:00 - 16:15


Day 1 (Nov.15):

13:00 - 13:25  Welcome and brief presentation of the Board

                     members and CHARM participants

13:25 - 13:50  Presentation of Charm – status

                     presensentation, Cecilie & Marit

13:50 - 14:05  Presentation of key ideas in CHARMs

                     ”position paper” – basic tenets of the

                      theoretical perspectives guiding our research,

                      Marit / Cecilie 

14:05 - 14:15  Break

14.15 - 14.45  Comments from Scientfic board

14:45 - 15.15  General discussion

15:15 - 15.30  Refreshments

15:30 - 16.20 “Measuring the effects of rehabilitation: it's not how much, but where and

                     what.", Professor Derick Wade 

16:20 - 16:30  Discussion

16:30 - 18:15  Meeting between SB and CHARM’s board: General discussion and

                     schedule planning for upcoming meetings followed by dinner


Day 2 (Nov.16):


Presentation and discussion of individual projects with the board

09:00 - 09:55  Projects C - Complex disabilities (10 min. presentation, 45 min.



09:55 - 10:50  Project B - Elderly  (10 min. presentation, 45 min. discussion)


10:50 - 11:05  Break


11:05 - 12:00  Project D - Children (10 min. presentation, 45 min. discussion)


12:00 - 12:30  Lunch


12:30 - 13:35  Projects A - TBI (20 min. joint presentation, 45 min. discussion)


13:35 - 13:45  Break


13:45 - 15:30  Gereral discussion (ALL projects)

                     Project leaders summerize input from board and implications for the

                     projects (Each project has 5 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for

                     discussion), followed by general discussion.


15:30 – 16:15 Meeting between Scientific Board and CHARMs board: Future plans



Publisert 14. feb. 2012 15:19 - Sist endret 26. sep. 2019 16:38