Working papers from HERO

Working papers from HERO from year 1999 until today. You can download all papers as pdf.


Brukerne blir yngre, psykiske lidelser øker: Dypdykk i pleie- og omsorgstjenestene 2017     

Maternity ward closures and infant health outcomes, maternal health outcomes, and birth procedures   





Terje P. Hagen, Morten Aarflot og Trond Tjerbo                              

Astrid de Linde, Jostein Grytten, Irene Skau, and Jonas Minet Kinge


Equilibria in Logit Models of Social Interaction and Quantal Response Equilibrium

Impacts of Interpersonal Continuity between General Practitioners (GPs) and Patients on Health Outcomes: A Systematic Review

Physician Behavior and Health Outcomes


Economics of Healthcare Provider Altruism



Personality and physician performance pay: Evidence from a behavioral experiment in health


Physician beneficence and profit-taking among private for-profit clinics in China: A field study using a mystery shopper audit
















John K. Dagsvik


Yansi Wu



Geir Godager, Anthony Scott


Matteo M Galizzi, Geir Godager, Jing Li, Ismo Linnosmaa, Timo Tammi, Daniel Wiesen


Mona Groß, Heike Hennig-Schmidt, Daniel Wiesen


Roland Cheo, Ge Ge, Rugang Liu, Jian Wang, Qiqi Wang




 Health Technology Assessment (HTA) of GLP-1 receptor agonists and SGLT-2 inhibitors in combination with metformin as first-line treatment in patient with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and established cardiovascular or chronic kidney disease



Resultatevaluering av Omsorg 2020 – regjeringens plan for omsorgsfeltet 2015–2020




Sending emails to reduce medical costs?  The effect of feedback on general practitioners’ claiming of fees














Eline Aas, Monica Gomez, Fawaz Tariq





Trond Tjerbo, Oddvar Førland, Jardar Sørvoll, Terje P Hagen, Rina Moe Fosse, Eliva A Ambugo, Heidi Gautun, Mariya Bikova


Ole Kristian Aars, Geir Godager, Oddvar Kaarbøe, Tron Anders Moger



Does gender affect medical decisions? Results from a behavioral experiment with physicians and medical students



Geir Godager, Heike Hennig-Schmidt, Jing Jing Li, Jian Wang, Fan Yang



Equilibria in Logit Models of Social Interaction and Quantal Response Equilibrium

Technology Adoption in Primary Health Care

Physician performance pay: Experimental evidence

Are patient-regarding preferences stable?

The Effect of Expert Feedback on Antibiotic Prescribing in Pediatrics: Experimental Evidence










John K. Dagsvik

Tor Iversen, Ching-to Albert Ma

Brosig-Koch, Hennig-Schmidt, Kairies-Schwarz, Kokot,Wiesen

Wang, Iversen, Hennig-Schmidt, Godager

Kerstin Eilermann, Katrin Halstenberg, Ludwig Kuntz, Kyriakos Martakis, Bernhard Roth, Daniel Wiesen


Do physicians care about patients’ utility?

Are patient-regarding preferences stable? 



Ge, Godager, Wang

Wang, Iversen, Hennig-Schmidt, Godager


The effect of a mystery shopper scheme on prescriptions in primary care


Cheo, Ge, Godager, Liu, Wang, Wang

Private behandlingsforsikringer – status og mulige konsekvenser på effektivitet og fordeling 2018:2 Grepperud
Dishonesty in healthcare practice: A behavioral experiment on upcoding in neonatology 2018:3 Hennig-Schmidt, Jürges, Wiesen


Analyser av tjenestebruk, reinnleggelser og mortalitet blant infarkt‐, slag‐, hoftebruddpasienter i Oslo, 2009‐2014 2017:1 Moger og Hagen
How Changes in Payment Schemes Influence Provision Behavior 2017:2 Wang, Iversen, Hennig-Schmidt and Godager


Førte opprettelsen av kommunale «øyeblikkelig hjelp» døgnenheter til færre innleggelser for eldre pasienter ved somatiske sykehus? 2016:1 Swanson, Alexandersen og Hagen

Using fees to reduce bed-blocking: A game between hospitals and care providers

2016:2 Kverndokk og Melberg

Effekter av kommunal medfinansiering på etterspørsel etter spesialisthelsetjenester

2016:3 Hagen

Waist circumference, body mass index and employment outcomes

2016:4 Kinge

Liggetider og reinnleggelser i somatiske sykehus før og etter Samhandlingsreformen

2016:5 Hagen, Ambugo og Melberg
Does physician gender influence the provision of medical care? An experimental study 2016:6 Li, Wang and Godager
Produktivitet i spesialisthelsetjenesten 2016:7 Anthun, Kittelsen og Magnussen
Kickbacks, referrals and efficiency in health care markets: Experimental evidence 2016:8 Waibel
Acute admissions to a community hospital: a descriptive cost study 2016:9 Lappegard, Hagen og Hjortdahl

Brukernes erfaringer med fastlegeordningen 2001 – 2015

2016:10 Godager og Iversen


Do changes in reimbursement fees affect hospital prioritization? 2015:1 Melberg H.O. and Pedersen K.

The impact of childhood obesity on health and health service use: an instrumental variable approach

2015:2 Kinge J. M. and Morris S.
Body mass index and employment status: a new look 2015:3 Kinge J. M
Resultatevaluering av Omsorgsplan 2015: Kommunenes drifts- og investeringsbeslutninger 2015:4 Hagen T.P, McArthur D. P. og Tjerbo T.
Does performance disclosure influence physicians’ medical decisions? An experimental study 2015:5 Godager G. Iversen T. and Hennig-Schmidt


Individual investments in education and Health 2014:1 Carbone C.C. and Kverndokk S.
Brukernes erfaringer med fastlegeordningen 2001 – 2012 2014:2 Godager G. and Iversen T.
Using artefactual field and lab experiments to investigate how fee-for-service and capitation affect medical service provision 2014:3 Brosig-Koch, Hennig-Schmidt, Kairies-Schwarz and Wiesen
Does performance disclosure influence physicians’ medical decisions? An experimental study (This working paper is updated in 2015:5) 2014:4 Godager G. Iversen T. and Hennig-Schmidt

Health contingent income transfers. Are they relevant?

2014:5 Brekke K. A. and Kverndokk S.


Does performance disclosure influence physicians’ medical decisions? An experimental analysis* (This working paper is updated in 2014:4 and 2015:5)

2013:1  Godager G. and Iversen T
Pasientrettigheter og bruk av private kommersielle sykehus 2013:2 Hagen TP
Hospital expenditures and the red herring hypothesis: Evidence from a complete national registry 2013:3 Gregersen FA
Decomposing the productivity differences between hospitals in the Nordic countries 2013:4 Kittelsen SAC
Kommunal finansiering av utskrivningsklare pasienter. Erfaringer fra første året. 2013:5 HagenTP, McArthur DP and Tjerbo T
Pasientbehandling og legeressurser i en sykehusavdeling 2013:6 Bratlid D
Midtveisevaluering av Omsorgsplan 2015: Effekter for pleieårsverk og plasser i boliger og institusjoner 2013:7 HagenTP, McArthur DP and Tjerbo T
Helseforetakenes interne organisering og ledelse 2013:8 Kjekshus LE og Bernstrøm V

How does end of life costs and increases in life expectancy affect projections of future hospital spending?

2013:9 Melberg HO and Sørensen J


Rapport om problemer i helsesektorene i Norden 2012:1 Iversen, T.
Competition, Gatekeeping, and Health Care Access 2012:2 Godager, G, Iversen, T., Ma, C. A.
Direct and indirect costs of the Norwegian Breast Cancer Screening Program 2012:3 Moger, T. A.


Development of competition indicators in the Norwegian general practice:
Constructing a postal code-specific Herfindahl-Hirschman index applying STATA software

Chen X, Godager G.

Omfang og sammensetning av omsorgstjenester i tre nordiske land 2011:2 Godager G, Hagen TP, Iversen T.
Explaining the Health Equality Paradox of the Welfare State 2011:3 Brekke KA, Grûnfeld LA, Kverndokk S.
Some problems with international comparisons of health spending – and a suggestion about how to quantify the size of the problems
2011:4 Melberg HO
Utviklingen i kommunenes helse- og omsorgstjenester 1986-2010 2011:5 Hagen TP, Negera Amayu K, Godager G,
Iversen T, Øien H
Some notes on how to catch a red herring - Ageing, time-to-death and care costs for older people in Sweden 2011:6 Karlsson M, Klohn F.
Profit or Patients'Health Benefit? Exploring the Heterogeneity in Physician Altruism 2011:7 Godager G, Wiesen D.


Brukernes erfaringer med fastlegeordningen 2001 - 2008 - Trender i bruk, tilgjengelighet og fornøydhet 2010:1

Godager G, Iversen T.

Scandinavian long-term care financing 2010:2

Karlsson M, Iversen T, Øien H.

Immigrants´ acculturation and changes in body mass index 2010:3

Iversen T, Ma AC. Meyer HE.

Helseforetakenes interne organisering og ledelse - INTORG 2009 2010:4

Kjekshus LE, Bernstrøm V.

Nyere metoder: Hvordan prioritere helsetiltak bår både effekter og kostnader er usikre? 2010:5

Moger, T., Guttormsen, A., Kristiansen, I.S.

Trenger vi flere kliniske studier? Om verdien av mer informasjon i evaluering av helsetiltak 2010:6

Guttormsen A, Moger T, Kristiansen IS.

Municipality level accessibility to specialized health care in Norway 2010:7

Lafkiri K.

Notat i helseøkonomi: Forskjeller i forskrivning av legemidler under foretrukket legemiddelordning - En helseøkonomisk analyse av forskrivninger av annengenerasjons antihistaminer 2010:8

Sagdahl E.


Kostnader ved høydosebehandling med autolog stam-cellestøtte ved fire norske sentra 2009:1

Mishra V, Brinch L, Ernst P, Lønset MK, Tangen JM, Wikelund J, Flatum C, Baggerød E, Helle B,
Andresen S, Vaaler S, Hagen TP, Kvaløy S.

Trender i sosiodemografiske og regionale forskjeller i dødelighet i Norge 1975-2002 2009:2 Norgård Berntsen K.

Birds of a Feather Flock Together: A Study of Doctor-Patient Matching

2009:3 Godager G.
Health inequality in Nordic welfare states - more inequality or the wrong measures? 2009:4 Brekke KA, Kverndokk S.

Helsetjenester uten grenser? - Om internasjonal handel med helsetjenester og mulige virkninger av internasjonal konkurranse for det norske helsevesenet

2009:5 Godager G, Iversen T.
Modeller for kommunal medfinansiering av spesialisthelsetjenestene 2009:6 Hagen TP

Four Empirical Essays on the Market for General Practitioners' Services

2009:7 Godager G.
Market Conditions and General Practitioners’ Referrals 2009:8 Iversen T, Ma A

Did the ban on smoking reduce the revenue in pubs and restaurants in Norway?

2009:9 Melberg HO, Lund KE
Why is there such a gap between health expenditures and outcomes in Norway compared to Finland? 2009:10 Melberg HO

Life Cycle Wages of Doctors An Empirical Analysis of the Earnings of Norwegian Physicians

2009:11 Fjeldvig K
Effekter av endringer i finansieringsansvaret for TNF-hemmere 2009:12 Hagen TP, Bjarkum I, Hobbel S, Orkerdalen K


Selfish Bakers, Caring Nurses? A Model of Work Motivation 2008:1

Nyborg K, Brekke KA.

Optimal Screening for Genetic Diseases 2008:2 Nævdal E.

Does quality influence choice of general practitioner? An analysis of matched doctor-patient panel data

2008:3 Biørn E, Godager G.
Patient switching in a list patient system 2008:4 Iversen T, Lurås H.
The effect of screening on treatment cost: The case of colorectal cancer 2008:5

Aas E.

Cost-effectiveness of screening for colorectal cancer with once-only flexible sigmoidoscopy and faecal occult blood test 2008:6

Aas E.

Rational addiction theory – a survey of opinions 2008:7

Melberg H.O.

Informal Care and Labor Supply 2008:8

Fevang, E., Kverndokk S., Røed K.

Kostnader ved kortere arbeidsdag – En analyse for sektorer med overlappende arbeidstid 2008:9

Melberg H.O.

Hospital productivity and the Norwegian ownership reform – A Nordic comparative study 2008:10

Kittelsen S.A.C., Magnussen J., Anthun K.S., Häkkinen U., Linna, M., Medin E., Olsen K.R., Rehnberg C.

Effektivitets- og fordelingsvirkninger av egenbetaling for helsetjenester 2008:11

Iversen T.

A model for supply of informal care to elderly parents 2008:12

Fevang E., Kverndokk S., Røed K.

Decision-making in general practice - the effect of financial incentives on the use of laboratory analyses 2008:13 Munkerud S. F.


Sykehusproduktivitet etter statlig overtakelse: En nordisk komparativ analyse 2007:1

Kittelsen SAC, Magnussen J, Anthun KS

Laboratorie- og røntgen-virksomheten i kjølvannet av sykehus-reformen: Mer privatisering og lavere kostnader? 2007:2

Hagen TP, Iversen T, Kittelsen SAC

INTORG – Organisasjon og ledelsesstrukturer ved norske sykehus 2007:3 Harsvik T, Kjekshus LE
Service motives and profit incentives among physicians 2007:4 Godager G, Iversen T, Ma CA
Optimal prevention when informal penalties matters: The case of medical errors 2007:5 Grepperud S
Fastlegeordningen Utvikling i bruk, tilgjengelighet og fornøydhet 2007:6 Godager G, Iversen T, Lurås H
Economic consequences of near-patient test results - the case of tests for the Helicobacter Pylori bacterium in dyspepsia 2007:7 Fauli S, Thue G
Endogenous Health Investment, Saving and Growth - A theoretical study with an application to Chinese data 2007:8 Chen Y
An exploratory study of associations between social capital and self-assessed health in Norway 2007:9 Iversen T
Costs and health consequences of chlamydia management strategies among pregnant women in sub-Saharan Africa 2007:10 Romoren M, Sundby J,
Hjortdahl P, Hussein F,
Steen TW, Velauthapillai M, Kristiansen IS


Price regulation and generic competition in the pharmaceutical market 2006:1

Dalen DM, Strøm S, Haabeth T

Efficiency and patient satisfaction in Norwegian hospitals 2006:2

Hagen TP, Veenstra M, Stavem K

Innovation and market dynamics in the EPO market 2006:3

Sorisio E, Strøm S

Simulering av ventetid og effektivitet i sykehus - Separate eller kombinerte avdelinger for akutte og elektive pasienter 2006:4

Tjoflot GK, Waaler HT, Iversen T

A Fixed-Effects Analysis of How Income Inequality in a Municipality Affects Individual Mortality in Norway 2006:5

Kravdal Ø

Fighting Transient Epidemics - Optimal Vaccination Schedules Before and After an Outbreak 2006:6

Nævdal E

Genetic Variability and Collective Social Norms: The Case of Binge Drinking 2006:7

Shogren JF, Nævdal E

Sammenhengen mellom inntekt, inntektsulikhet og helse 2006:8

Kverndokk S

Heterogeneity in hospitals` responses to a financial reform: A random coefficient analysis of the impact of activity-based financing on efficiency 2006:9

Biørn E, Hagen TP, Iversen T, Magnussen J


Wage Policies for Health Personnel - Essays on the Wage Impact on Hours of Work and Practice Choice 2005:1

Sæther EM

Regulation versus practice - The impact of accessibility on the use of specialist health care in Norway 2005:2

Iversen T, Kopperud GS

Utviklingen i fastlegenes listelengder, driftsinntekter og takstbruk 2005:3

Godager G, Iversen T, Lurås H

Strategier for bedre helse og funksjonsevne blant eldre 2005:4

Eika KH, Lurås H

Aktivitetsbasert finansiering av pleie- og omsorgstjenestene 2005:5

Hagen TP

I skyggen av Fastlegeordningen:
Hvordan har det gått med det offentlige legearbeidet?

Godager G, Lurås H

Pecuniary compensation increases the participation rate in screening for colorectal cancer 2005:7

Aas E

A study of income-motivated behavior among general practitioners in the Norwegian list patient system 2005:8

Iversen T

Organisational Change, Absenteeism and Welfare Dependency 2005:9

Røed K, Fevang E

Measuring the Quality of Hospital Services - Hospital Specific Factors and Individual Evaluations 2005:10

Hernæs KH

A Fixed-Effects Multilevel Analysis of How Mortality in Norway family structure affects individual mortality in Norway 2005:11 Kravdal Ø
Decision-making in General Practice: The importance of laboratory analyses when choosing medical actions 2005:12 Faulie S, Thue G
Cost-effectiveness analysis in the health sector when there is a private alternative to public Treatment 2005:13 Hoel M
Kartlegging av produksjon og kostnader til offentlige og private leverandører av laboratorie- og røntgentjenester 2005:14 Hagen TP, Iversen T, Kittelsen SAC


General Practice: Four Empirical Essays on GP Behaviour and Individuals’ Preferences for GPs 2004:1

Lurås H

Individual and household value of mortality reductions with intrahousehold bargaining 2004:2

Strand J

Valuation of life: a study using discrete choice analysis 2004:3

Weizhen Z

Påvirker forsknings- og undervisningsinnsatsen kostnadseffektiviteten ved norske sykehus? Analyse av paneldata 1999-2001 2004:4

Piro FN

De syke pleierne En analyse av sykefravær blant sykepleiere og hjelpepleiere 2004:5

Fevang E

INTORG - De somatiske sykehusenes interne organisering. - En kartlegging av 50 somatiske sykehus i Norge i 2003 2004:6

Kjekshus LE

Will increased wages increase nurses' working hours in the health care sector? 2004:7

Sæther EM

The Importance of Municipality Characteristics for Cancer Survival in Norway: A Multilevel Analysis 2004:8

Kravdal Ø

Nurses' labor supply with endogenous choice of care level and shift type A nested discrete choice model with nonlinear income 2004:9

Sæther EM

Compensating differentials for nurses 2004:10

Sæther EM

Medical errors: Mandatory reporting, voluntary reporting, or both? 2004:11

Grepperud S

Taking Absurd Theories Seriously. 3 essays on Rational Choice Theory and Welfare Analysis 2004:12

Røgeberg OJ

Choosing a GP 2004:13

Lurås H


The effect of patient shortage on general practitioners’ future income and list of patients 2003:1

Iversen T

Pasientbehandling innenlands eller utenlands? - En analyse av ressursbruk i Pasientbroen 2003:2

Botten G, Grepperud S, Nerland SM

Children, family and cancer survival in Norway 2003:3

Kravdal Ø

Child mortality in India: Exploring the community-level effect of education 2003:4

Kravdal Ø

Individuals` preferences for GPs - Choice analysis from the establishment of a list patient system in Norway 2003:5

Lurås H

Verdien av liv og helse - Hvor mye bør samfunnet være villige til å betale for helseforbedringer? 2003:6

Red: Bringedal B, Iversen T, Kristiansen IS

Far out or alone in the crowd: Classification of self-evaluators in DEA 2003:7

Edvardsen DF, Førsund FR, Kittelsen SAC

Economies of scope in Norwegian hospital production - A DEA analysis 2003:8

Kittelsen SAC, Magnussen J

Productivity growth in Norwegian psychiatric outpatient clinics - A panel data analysis of the period 1996-2001 2003:9

Halsteinli V, Kittelsen SAC, Magnussen J

Medical errors: Getting the incentives right 2003:10

Grepperud S

Legemiddelmarkedet etter apotekreformen: Regulering, markedsstruktur og konkurranse 2003:11

Dalen DM

Smoking and health investments: Impacts of health adaptation and damage reversibility 2003:12

Carbone J, Kverndokk S, Røgeberg OJ

En økonomisk-politisk analyse av det norske legemiddelmarkedet 2003:13

Fjærtoft Røhme R.

En effektivitetsanalyse av privatpraktiserende fysioterapeuter i Asker og Bærum 2003:14

Roseng EH

Fastlegeordningen og det kommunale legearbeidet - Er det tilfeldig hvilke leger som påtar seg kommunalt legearbeid? 2003:15

Godager G

Kostnadsnøkler i inntektssystemet for de regionale helseforetakene (RHFene) 2003:16

Hagen TP

Absenteeism, Health Insurance, and Business Cycles 2003:17

Nordberg M, Røed K

Defence of Absurd Theories in Economics 2003:18

Nordberg M, Røgeberg OJ

A Discrete Choice Analysis of Norwegian Physicians’ Labor Supply and Sector Choice 2003:19

Sæther EM

Public-good valuation and intrafamily allocation 2003:20

Strand J

Valuing statistical lives from observations of speed limits and driving 2003:21

Strand J

Er verdien av liv høyere for de rike og frisk enn for de fattige og syke 2003:22

Hoel M

Optimal Disease Eradication 2003:23

Barrett S, Hoel M


De somatiske sykehusenes interne organisering
En kartlegging av 58 somatiske sykehus i Norge, 1999 og 2001

Kjekshus LE, Nerland SM, Botten G, Hagen TP

Public- and private-good values of statistical lives
Results from a combined choice-experiment and contingent-valuation survey

Strand J

A cancer survival model that takes sociodemographic variations in 'normal' mortality into account: comparison with other models 2002:3

Kravdal Ø

Redistribution at the hospital 2002:4

Emblem AW

Sykehuslegenes holdninger til kjøp av helsetjenester i utlandet 2002:5

Botten G, Nerland SM, Hagen TP

Bruk av paneldatametoder til å belyse allmennlegers henvisningsmønster 2002:6

Lurås H, Aas E

Reforming decentralized integrated health care systems: Theory and the case of the Norwegian reform 2002:7

Møller Pedersen K

The effect of activity-based financing on hospital efficiency: A panel data analysis of DEA efficiency scores 1992-2000 2002:8

Biørn E, Hagen TP, Iversen T, Magnussen J

The impact of accessibility on the use of specialist health care in Norway 2002:9

Iversen T, Kopperud GS

Genetic testing and repulsion from chance 2002:10

Hoel M, Nilssen T, Vislie J, Iversen T

Budget deficits as devices for appropriating extra funds: An investigation of sharing rules 2002:11

Grepperud S

Statlige sykehus; Kan styrings-effektiviteten bedres? 2002:12

Opedal S, Stigen IM

Deductibles in Health Insurance: Pay or Pain? 2002:13

Asheim AB, Nilssen T, Emblem AW

Beregning av en tilgjengelighetsindeks til spesialisthelse-tjenester på kommunenivå 2002:14

Kopperud GS

What is best and at what cost? Cross-national differences in the treatment of ageing-related diseases
Norwegian perspective from a comparative OECD-project

Botten G, Hagen TP

An inquiry into the size of health charities: The case of Norwegian patient organisations 2002:16

Olsen JA, Eidem JI

The moral relevance of personal characteristics in setting health care priorities 2002:17

Olsen JA, Richardson J, Dolan P, Menzel P

Hva betyr forskning, utdanning og reisetid for sykehusenes kostnader? 2002:18

Kittelsen SAC, Magnussen J, Piro FN

Fysioterapitjenesten i Asker og Bærum - Kvalitet, tilgjengelighet og effektivitet 2002:19

Kittelsen SAC, Roseng E.


Health Insurance: Treatment vs. Compensation 2001:1

Asheim G, Emblem AW, Nilssen T

Politicians and soft budget constraints 2001:2 Dalen DM, Moen ER, Riis C
Designing Competition in Health Care Markets


Dalen DM, Moen ER, Riis C
The Crowding-Out of Work Ethics 2001:4 Grepperud S, Pedersen PA
Sykehusenes effektivitetsutvikling 1992-1999: Hvilke effekter ga innsatsstyrt finansiering? 2001:5 Hagen TP, Iversen T, Magnussen J
Incentive Contracts for Public Health Care Provision under Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard 2001:6 Vislie J
On adaptation, life-extension possibilities and the demand for health 2001:7 Gjerde J, Grepperud S, Kverndokk S
Scale, efficiency and organization in Norwegian psychiatric outpatient clinics for children 2001:8

Halsteinli V, Kittelsen SAC, Magnussen J

Efficient use of health care resources: The interaction between improved health and reduced health related income loss 2001:9 Hoel M
Allocating health care resources when people are risk averse with respect to life time 2001:10 Hoel M
A healthy lifestyle: The product of opportunities and preferences 2001:11 Lurås H
Errors in Survey Based Quality Evaluation Variables in Efficiency Models of Primary Care Physicians 2001:12 Kittelsen SAC, Kjæserud GG, Kvamme OJ
Er liggetid betinget av finansieringsordninger? - En analyse av paneldata fra 63 norske somatiske sykehus i årene 1976-1999 2001:13 Nerland S


ISF og sykehusenes effektivitet - Erfaringer fra 1997 og 1998 2000:1 Hagen TP, Iversen T, Magnussen J
En bred kartlegging av sykehusenes økonomiske situasjon
Et samendragsnotat, basert på 11 vedlegg (rapporter).
2000:2 Bjørnenak T, Hagen TP, Iversen T, Magnussen J m. flere
Erfaringer med ISF og bruk av kostnadsinformasjon - Intervju fra fire fylkeskommuner


Opedal S
Betalingsvillighet for behandlingsgaranti - analyse av en befolkningsundersøkelse


Kopperud GS
Why do people demand health? 2000:5 Kverndokk S
Sprekere eldre, rimeligere eldreomsorg? 2000:6 Botten G, Hagen TP, Waaler HT
En analyse av tilgjengelighet og bruk av en laboratorieundersøkelse i primærhelsetjenesten 2000:7 Fauli SK
Pengene eller Livet? -en studie av betalingsvillighet for livreddende helseprosjekter? 2000:8 Kvinge BA
Private health care as a supplement to a public health system with waiting time for treatment 2000:9 Hoel M, Sæther EM
Inkludering av pasienters vurderinger i en effektivitetsanalyse av norske allmen-praktikere - korrigering av feil i variable i DEA 2000:10 Kjæserud GG


Impact of the public/private mix of health insurance on genetic testing 1999:1 Hoel M, Iversen T
The interaction between patient shortage and patients waiting time 1999:2 Iversen T, Lurås H
The importance of micro-data for revaealing income motivated behaviour among GPs 1999:3 Iversen T, Lurås H
Testing DEA Models of Efficiency in Norwegian Psychiatric Outpatient Clinics 1999:4 Kittelsen SAC, Magnussen J

HEROs skriftserie er også tilgjengelig i databasen; S-WoPEc - Scandinavian Working Papers in Economics.

Publisert 1. juli 2014 13:36 - Sist endret 12. juni 2024 10:44