An exploratory study of associations between social capital and self-assessed health in Norway

2007/9: Author: Iversen T, Health Economics Research Programme at the University of Oslo, and Institute of Health Management and Health Economics (PDF)

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The objective of this study is to estimate associations between social capital and health when other factors are controlled for. Data from the survey of level-of-living conditions by Statistics Norway are merged with data from several other sources. The merged files combine data at the individual level with data that describe indicators of community-level social capital related to each person’s county of residence. Both cross-sectional and panel data are used.

We find that one indicator of community-level social capital — voting participation in local elections — was positively associated with self-assessed health in the cross-sectional study and in the panel data study. While we find that religious activity at the community-level has a positive effect in the cross-sectional survey and a non-significant effect in the panel survey, we find that sports organizations have a negative effect on health in the cross-sectional survey and a non-significant effect in the panel study. This result indicates that sports organizations represent bonding social capital.

ISSN 1890-1735
ISBN 82-7756-181-4

Publisert 25. mai 2011 16:21 - Sist endret 3. okt. 2011 13:22