Profit or Patients' Health Benefit? - Exploring the Heterogeneity in Physician Altruism

HERO WP 2011/07: Authors: Godager, G, Wiesen, D., Institute for health and society, University of Bonn and Chair of Quantitative Economic Policy, University of Duisburg-Essen, and University of Oslo, HERO. (PDF 202 kb)

Fulltext 202 kb


This paper investigates physician altruism toward patients’ health benefit using behavioral data from the fully incentivized laboratory experiment of Hennig-Schmidt et al. (2011). This setup identifies both physicians’ profits and patients’ health benefit resulting from medical treatment decisions.

We estimate a random utility model applying multinomial logit regression, finding that physicians attach a positive weight on patients’ health benefit. Furthermore, physicians vary substantially in their degree of altruism. Finally, we provide some implications for the design of physician payment schemes.

ISSN 1890-1735
ISBN 978-82-7756-227-8

Publisert 21. des. 2011 15:42 - Sist endret 27. jan. 2014 10:21