Are patient-regarding preferences stable?

HERO WP 2019/1: Jian Wang, Tor Iversen, Heike Hennig-Schmidt, Geir Godager


We quantifypatient-regardingpreferences byfittinga bounded rationality modeltodatafromincentivized laboratory experiments, where Chinese medical doctors, German medical students and Chinese medical students participate. We find a remarkable stability in patient-regarding preferences when comparing subject pools and we cannot reject the hypothesis of equal patient regarding preferences in the three groups. The results suggest that health economic experiments can provide knowledge that reach beyond the student subject pool, and that knowledge on preferences of decision-makers in one cultural context can be of relevance for very different cultural contexts.

JEL-Classification: C92, D82, I11, H40, J33

Keywords: Laboratory experiment, Bounded rationality, Payment mechanism, Physician behavior

ISBN  978-82-7756-265-0 

Last ned rapport

Publisert 17. apr. 2019 13:31 - Sist endret 17. apr. 2019 13:31