On the Equilibria in Logit Models of Social Interaction and Quantal Response Equilibrium

HERO WP 2020/5: John K. Dagsvik


This paper investigates the set of equilibria in models of social interaction and Quantal
Response Equilibrium (QRE). First, we discuss how models of social interaction can be
viewed as a special case of QRE. Subsequently, we establish criteria that characterize the set of equilibria in models of social interaction and QRE. Finally, we establish conditions for
convergence of sequential stochastic game models to QRE when players learn about the
aggregate behavior of the players.

JEL-Classification: C02; C25; C62; C72; C73

Keywords: Random utility models, Behavioral game theory, Social interaction, Quantal
Response Equilibrium

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Publisert 6. okt. 2020 12:35 - Sist endret 6. okt. 2020 12:35