Resultatevaluering av Omsorg 2020 – regjeringens plan for omsorgsfeltet 2015–2020

HERO WP 2022/2: Trond Tjerbo, Oddvar Førland, Jardar Sørvoll, Terje P Hagen, Rina Moe Fosse, Eliva A Ambugo, Heidi Gautun, Mariya Bikova


Care Plan 2020 was the government’s plan for the care sector for the period 2015-2020. In our evaluation of the plan, we focused on a) whether the central state was able to influence the municipalities’ investment’s in 24 hour care through the investment grant b) user involvement and satisfaction as well as services for people with dementia and people who receive everyday rehabilitation.

Our analysis of the investment grant shows that municipalities who have received grants in the period 2017-2020 also have an increase in short term stays in municipal nursing homes. This indicates that the investment grant has enabled the municipalities to be more flexible in adapting the services to changes in the demand for services. Earmarked grants can also affect spending in other sectors and affect the fiscal balance. Our analysis do not show any effects on the fiscal balance. The reported analysis do not show any effect on school spending, but these results are not as robust as the ones done on fiscal performance/balance.

We also find that municipalities are focusing on adapting their services to the expected increase in the share of elderly, but that Care Plan 2020 does not cause this activity. There is a strong focus on everyday rehabilitation and early intervention.

JEL-Classification: I10, I18, I19


ISBN: 978-82-7756-273-5

Last ned rapport

Publisert 24. aug. 2022 12:33 - Sist endret 24. aug. 2022 12:33