
Oppdatert februar 2018

Scientific papers in international journals with referee

  1. Eggemoen ÅR, Waage CW, Sletner L, Birkeland, K.I., Gulseth HL, Jenum AK.  Vitamin D, gestational diabetes and measures of glucose metabolism in a population-based multi-ethnic cohort (in press, Journal of Diabetes Research).
  2. Bærug A, Sletner L, Laake P, Fretheim A, Løland BF, Waage CW, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK.  Bærug A, Sletner L, Laake P, Fretheim A, Løland BF, Waage CW, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK.  Recent gestational diabetes was associated with mothers stopping predominant breastfeeding earlier in a multi-ethnic (in press, Acta Paediatrica).
  3. Sletner L, Kiserud T, Vangen S, Nakstad B, Jenum AK. Effects of applying universal fetal growth standards in a Scandinavian multi-ethnic population. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand. 2017 Nov 28. doi: 10.1111/aogs.13269..
  4. Kinnunen TI, Sletner L, Sommer C, Post M, Jenum AK. Ethnic differences in folic acid supplement use in a population-based cohort of pregnant women in Norway BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2017 May 15;17(1):143.
  5. Eggemoen ÅR, Jenum AK, Mdala I, Knutsen KV, Lagerløv P, Sletner, L. Vitamin D levels during pregnancy and associations with birth weight and body composition of the newborn: a longitudinal multiethnic population-based study. Br J Nutr. 2017 May 4:1-9. doi: 10.1017/S000711451700068X. [Epub ahead of print].
  6. Moen GH, Sommer C, Prasad RB, Sletner L, Groop L, Qvigstad E, Birkeland KI. MECHANISMS IN ENDOCRINOLOGY: Epigenetic modifications and gestational diabetes: a systematic review of published literature. Eur J Endocrinol. 2017 May;176(5):R247-R267. doi: 10.1530/EJE-16-1017. Epub 2017 Feb 23. Review. PMID: 28232369.
  7. Sletner L, Jenum AK, Yajnik C, Mørkrid K, Nakstad B, Rognerud-Jensen OH, Birkeland KI, Vangen S. Fetal growth trajectories in pregnancies of European and South Asian mothers with and without gestational diabetes, a population-based cohort study. PLoS One. 2017 Mar 2;12(3):e0172946. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172946.
  8. Waage CW, Jenum AK, Mdala I, Berg JP, Richardsen KR, Birkeland K I. Associations between gestational diabetes mellitus and elevated HbA1c early postpartum in a multi-ethnic population Prim Care Diabetes. 2016 Oct 19. pii: S1751-9918(16)30103-6.
  9. Sommer C, Gulseth HL, Jenum AK, Sletner L, Thorsby PM, Birkeland K. Soluble leptin receptor and risk of gestational diabetes in a multi-ethnic population - a prospective cohort study. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 2016 Nov;101(11):4070-4075.
  10. Richardsen KR, Falk RS, Jenum AK, Mørkrid K, Martinsen EW, Ommundsen Y, Berntsen S. Objective physical activity of pregnant women in urban multi-ethnic districts: prediction of guideline non-adherence BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2016 Jul 26;16(1):186.
  11. Richardsen KR, Mdala I, Berntsen S, Ommundsen Y, Martinsen EW, Sletner L, Jenum AK. Objectively recorded physical activity in pregnancy and postpartum in a multiethnic cohort: association with access to recreational areas in the neighborhood. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity - IJBN 2016 201613:78.
  12. Waage CW, Mdala I, Jenum AK, Michelsen TM, Birkeland K, Sletner L. Ethnic differences in blood pressure from early pregnancy to postpartum: A Norwegian cohort study. J Hypertens. 2016 Apr 14. [Epub ahead of print]
  13. Kinnunen TI, Waage CWW, Sommer C, Sletner L, Raitanen J, Jenum AK. Ethnic differences in gestational weight gain: A population-based cohort study in Norway. Matern Child Health J. 2016; 20: 1485-1496.
  14. Eggemoen ÅR, Falk RS, Knutsen KV, Lagerløv P, Sletner L, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK. Vitamin D deficiency and supplementation in pregnancy in a multiethnic population-based cohort. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2016 Jan 19;16(1):7.
  15. Sletner L, Rasmussen S, Jenum AK, Nakstad B, Rognerud-Jensen OH, Vangen S. Ethnic differences in fetal size and growth in a multi-ethnic population. Early Hum Dev. 2015 Sep; 91(9):547-54.
  16. Brunner S, Stecher L, Ziebarth S, Nehring I, Rifas-Shiman SL, Sommer C, Hauner H, von Kries R. Excessive gestational weight gain prior to glucose screening and the risk of gestational diabetes: a meta-analysis. Diabetologia. 2015 Oct;58(10):2229-37. doi: 10.1007/s00125-015-3686-5.
  17. Sommer C, Sletner L, Mørkrid K, Jenum AK Birkeland KI. Effects of early pregnancy BMI, mid-gestational weight gain, glucose and lipid levels in pregnancy on offspring's birth weight and subcutaneous fat: a population-based cohort study. BMC Pregnancy Childbirth. 2015 Apr 3;15(1):84.
  18. Sommer C, Jenum AK, Waage CW, Mørkrid K, Sletner L, Birkeland KI. Ethnic differences in BMI, subcutaneous fat, and serum leptin levels during and after pregnancy and risk of gestational diabetes. Eur J Endocrinol. 2015 Jun;172(6):649-56.
  19. Waage C, Falk R, Sommer C, Mørkrid K, Richardsen K, Baerug A, Shakeel N, Birkeland K, Jenum A. Ethnic differences in postpartum weight retention: a Norwegian cohort study.BJOG BJOG 2016; 123:699-708.

20.Shakeel N, Eberhard- Gran M, Sletner L Slinning K, Martinsen EW, Holme I, Jenum AK. A prospective cohort study of depression in pregnancy, prevalence and risk factors in a multiethnic population. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2015, 15:5 (24 January 2015)

  1. Sletner L, Jenum AK, Mørkrid K, Vangen S, Holme IM, Birkeland KI, Nakstad B. Maternal Life Course Socio-Economic Position and Offspring Body Composition at Birth in a Multi-Ethnic Population. Paediatr Perinat Epidemiol. 2014 Sep;28(5):445-54

22.Mørkrid K, Jenum AK, Berntsen S, Sletner L, Richardsen KR, Vangen S, Holme I, Birkeland KI. Objectively recorded physical activity and the association with gestational. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2014 Oct;24(5):e389-97.

  1. Sachse D, Bærug A, Sletner L, Birkeland KI, Nakstad B,, Jenum AK Berg JP, . Breastfeeding and the Maternal Urine Profile Scand J Clin Lab Invest. 2014 Apr;74(3):264-72.
  2. Sommer C, Mørkrid K, Jenum AK, Sletner L, Mosdøl A, Birkeland KI. Weight gain, total fat gain and regional fat gain during pregnancy and the association with gestational diabetes. A population-based cohort study Int J Obes (Lond). 2014 Jan;38(1):76-81. Epub 2013 Sep 20.
  3. Sletner L, Nakstad B, Yajnik C, Mørkrid K, Vangen S, Vårdal, Holme I, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK. Ethnic differences in neonatal body composition in a multi-ethnic population and the impact of parental factors. A population-based cohort study (Plos One. 2013 Aug 29;8(8).
  4. Sommer C, Sletner L, Jenum AK, Mørkrid K, Andersen LF, Birkeland KI, Mosdøl A. Ethnic differences in maternal dietary patterns are largely explained by socio-economic score and integration score. A population-based study. Food and Nutrition Research (2013)57; 21164.
  5. Jenum AK, Richardsen KR, Berntsen S, Mørkrid K. Gestational diabetes, insulin resistance and physical activity in pregnancy in a multi-ethnic population – a public health perspective Norwegian Journal of Epidemiology 2013;23 (1):45.54.
  6. Jenum AK, Sommer C, Sletner L, Mørkrid K, Bærug A, Mosdøl A. Obesity and hyperglycaemia in pregnancy and related health outcomes in European ethnic minorities of Asian and African origin: a review. Food & Nutrition Research. Food Nutr Res. 2013;57. Epub 2013 Feb 28.
  7. Brekke I, Berg, Sletner L, Jenum AK. Doctor-certified sickness absence in first and second trimester of pregnancy among native and immigrant women in Norway. Scand J Public Health. 2013 Mar;41(2):166-73. Epub 2013 Jan 7.
  8. Berntsen S, Richardsen KR, Mørkrid K, Sletner L, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK. Objectively recorded physical activity in early pregnancy. A multi-ethnic population-based study. Scand J Med Sci Sports. Article first published online: 27 DEC 2012 | DOI: 10.1111/sms.12034.
  9. Sachse D, Sletner L, Mørkrid K, Jenum AK, Birkeland KI, et al. (2012) Metabolic Changes in Urine during and after Pregnancy in a Large, Multiethnic Population-Based Cohort Study of Gestational Diabetes. PLoS ONE 7(12): e52399. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0052399. Published: December 21, 2012.
  10. Bø K, Øglund GP, Sletner L, Mørkrid K, Jenum AK.  The prevalence of urinary incontinence in pregnancy among a multi-ethnic population resident in Norway. BJOG. 2012 Oct;119(11):1354-60. Epub 2012 Jul 25.
  11. Mørkrid K, Jenum AK, Sletner L, Vårdal MH, Waage CW, Nakstad B, Vangen S, Birkeland KI. Failure to increase insulin secretory capacity during pregnancy-induced insulin resistance is associated with ethnicity and gestational diabetes. Eur J Endocrinol. 2012 Oct;167(4):579-88. Epub 2012 Aug 13.
  12. Jenum AK, Mørkrid K, Sletner L, Vangen S, Torper JL, Nakstad B, Voldner N, Rognerud-Jensen OH, Berntsen S, Mosdøl A, Skrivarhaug T, Vårdal MH, Holme I, Yajnik CS, Birkeland KI. Impact of ethnicity on gestational diabetes identified with the WHO and the modified International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups criteria: a population-based cohort study. Eur J Endocrinol. 2012 Feb;166 (2):317-324. doi: 10.1530/EJE-11-0866. Epub 2011 Nov 22.
  13. Jenum AK, Sletner L, Voldner N, Vangen S, Andersen LF, Nakstad B, Skrivarhaug T, Rognerud-Jensen OH, Roald B, Birkeland KI. The STORK Groruddalen Research Program: A population based cohort study of gestational diabetes, physical activity and obesity in pregnancy in a multiethnic population. Rationale, methods, study population and participation rates. Scand J Public Health, 38 (Suppl 5):60-70; 2010.

Master theses

  1. Anam Shakil: Ethnic differences in gestational diabetes identified by universal screening in routine antenatal care, UiO, HELSAM 2014.
  2. Annemette Risgaard: Svangerskaps- og fødselsopplevelser i en multietnisk befolkning. Stork-Groruddalen kohorten Masteroppgave Folkehelsevitenskap, UMB 2014
  3. Ann Kristin Meljordshagen von Ubisch: BMI og sosiodemografiske faktorers påvirkning på operative forløsninger blant Norske og Pakistanske kvinner i Groruddalen, Norge. Nordic School of Public Health NHV, MPH 2013:8
  4. Jenni Åkre: Skal vi trene sammen? Gravide kvinners aktivitetsnivå og implikasjonene av sosial støtte. Masteroppgave i sosiologi. Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi, UiO 2013.
  5. Ellen Eriksen: Kvinner i Groruddalen om kropp, trening og tilknyttede idealer – en kvalitativ studie. Mastoppgave i sosiologi. Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi, UiO 2013.
  6. Martine Christiansen Post. Bruk av folat-tilskudd blant gravide kvinner i en multietnisk befolkning i Groruddalen. Masteroppgave Folkehelsevitenskap, UMB 2012
  7. Christine Sommer: Kostmønster i en multietnisk populasjon av gravide kvinner. Masteroppgave i mat, ernæring og helse. Avdeling for helse, ernæring og ledelse, HIAK 2011.

Abstracts/oral presentations

  1. Kinnunen TI, Richardsen KR, Sommer C, Sletner L, Waage CW, Mdala I, Torgersen L, Jenum AK. Ethnic differences in body mass index trajectories from 18 years to 3 months postpartum in a cohort in Norway. 8th Nordic Meeting in Epidemiology and Register-Based Research in Lund, Sweden, on September 13-15, 2017 (poster presentation)
  2. Sletner L, Hanson MA, Jenum AK. Sex-specific associations between parental factors and fetal growth and body proportions from mid pregnancy until birth; a multi-ethnic cohort study. 10th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease. Rotterdam, Netherlands, 14.-18. Oct 2017 (poster presentation).
  3. Shakeel N, Sletner L, Falk R, Slinning K, Eberhard- Gran M, Martinsen EW, Jenum AK. Postpartum depression - prevalence and risk factors in a population-based multiethnic cohort study 22nd WONCA Europe Conference June 28 - July 1, 2017, Prague, Czech Republic.
  4. Shakeel N, Sletner L, Falk R, Slinning K, Eberhard- Gran M, Martinsen EW, Jenum AK. Postpartum depression - prevalence and risk factors in a population-based multiethnic cohort study Nordic congress of General Practice, 14-16 June 2017, Reykjavik Iceland [Oral presentation].
  5. Toftemo I, Jenum AK, Lagerløv P, Falk RS, Sletner L. Prevalence of overweight and thinness in a multi-ethnic cohort of 4 years old children in Norway. Associations with ethnicity, maternal- and early life factors. Nordic congress of General Practice,  June 2017, Reykjavik Iceland [Oral presentation].
  6. Eggemoen ÅR, Jenum AK, Mdala I, Knutsen KI, Lagerløv P, Sletner L. Vitamin D levels during pregnancy and associations with birth weight and body composition of the newborn: a longitudinal multiethnic population-based study. Nordic congress of General Practice, 14-16 June 2017, Reykjavik Iceland [Oral presentation].
  7. Næss-Andresen ML, Berg JP, Jenum AK. Ethnic Differences in Iron Deficiency and Anaemia in early Pregnancy in Oslo. Cross-sectional study from a Population-Based Cohort Oral Presentation/poster. 20th Nordic Congress of General Practice, June 2017.
  8. Sletner L, Jenum AK. Accelerated linear growth is observed in ethnic minority infants in Norway, and is preceded by fetal “Catch-down growth”. 4th International Conference on Nutrition and Growth. Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2.-4. March 2017 (poster presentation).
  9. Næss-Andresen ML. Ethnic Differences in Iron Deficiency and Anaemia in early Pregnancy in Norway. Poster PMU, October 2016.
  10. Cross-sectional study from a Population-Based Cohort
  11. Sommer C, Gulseth HL, Jenum AK, Sletner L, Thorsby PM, Birkeland K. Influence of soluble leptin receptor on risk of gestational diabetes in a multi-ethnic population. The 52nd EASD Annual Meeting, Munich, Germany, 12-16 September 2016.
  12. Eggemoen ÅR, Falk RS, Knutsen KV, Lagerløv P, Sletner L, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK. Vitamin D deficiency and supplementation in pregnancy in a multiethnic population-based cohort. 6th European Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health, Oslo, 23rd-25th June 2016. [Oral presentation].
  13. Shakeel N, Sletner L, Falk R, Slinning K, Eberhard- Gran M, Martinsen EW, Jenum AK. Postpartum depression - prevalence and risk factors in a population-based multiethnic cohort study European Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health, Oslo, 23rd-25th June 2016. [Oral presentation].
  14. Richardsen, K.R., Berntsen, S., Ommundsen, Y., Martinsen, E.W., Shakeel, N., Jenum, AK. Physical activity during pregnancy: Are psychosocial factors equally associated with physical activity in different ethnic groups? 6th European Conference on Migrant and Ethnic Minority Health, Oslo, 23rd-25th June 2016. [Poster presentation].
  15. Kinnunen T, Sommer C, Sletner L, Post MC, Jenum AK. Ethnic differences in the use of folic acid supplements before and during pregnancy in Oslo, Norway Abstract submitted to EUPHA-MEMH congress in Oslo June 2016
  16. Kinnunen T, Waage C, Sommer C, Sletner L, Raitanen J, Jenum AK. Ethnic differences in gestational weight gain: a population-based cohort study in Norway. Abstract submitted to EUPHA-MEMH congress in Oslo June 2016
  17. Eggemoen ÅR, Jenum AK, Mdala I, Knutsen KV, Lagerløv P, Sletner L. Is vitamin D deficiency in pregnancy associated with birth weight and other anthropometric measures? WONCA Europe Congress 2016, Copenhagen, 15th-18th June 2016. [Oral presentation].
  18. Shakeel N, Sletner L, Falk R, Slinning K, Eberhard- Gran M, Martinsen EW, Jenum AK. Postpartum depression - prevalence and risk factors in a population-based multiethnic cohort study WONCA Europe Congress 2016, Copenhagen, 15th-18th June 2016. [Oral presentation].
  19. Waage CW, Mdala I, Jenum AK, TM Michelsen, Birkeland KI, Sletner L. Ethnic differences in blood pressure from early pregnancy to postpartum: a Norwegian cohort study. Accepted abstract/Poster to the 2nd Nordic Congress on Obesity in Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Middelfart, Denmark 27th to 29th August 2015.
  20. Kinnunen T, Waage C, Sommer C, Sletner L, Raitanen J, Jenum AK. Ethnic differences in gestational weight gain: a population-based cohort study in Norway Oral presentation/abstract/ Poster to the 2nd Nordic Congress on Obesity in Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Middelfart, Denmark 27th to 29th August 2015.
  21. Richardsen K, Jenum AK, Berntsen S. Ethnic differences in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in pregnancy and postpartum, Oral presentation. European College of Sports Science Annual Congress. Malmö, Sweden 24th-27th June 2015
  22. Eggemoen ÅR, Falk RS, Knutsen KV, Lagerløv P, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK. Vitamin D deficiency and supplementation in pregnancy– a pre-post evaluation of a simple intervention in a multiethnic population-based cohort. Abstract, poster presentation, Vitamin D 18th Workshop, Delft, Netherlands April 2015.
  23. Eggemoen ÅR, Knutsen KV, Wändell P, Andersen R, Grønborg I. Vitamin D deficiency among immigrants in the Nordic countries. ÅRE: Vitamin D status, prevalence of deficiency among immigrants in Norway, and intervention among pregnant multi-ethnic women. Symposium, 19th Nordic Congress of General Practice, June 2015.
  24. Næss-Andresen ML. Ethnic Differences in Iron Deficiency and Anaemia in early Pregnancy in Norway. Nordic Congress of General Practice, June 2015.
  25. Toftemo I, Jenum AK, Lagerløv P, Sletner L. Growth patterns in a cohort of multi-ethnic preschool children: identifying children at risk of developing overweight and obesity. Oral Presentation. 19th Nordic Congress of General Practice, June 2015.
  26. Sletner L, Jenum AK, Rasmussen S, Vangen S. Fetal size and growth and the association with parental anthropometry in a multi-ethnic population. Oral poster presentation at the DOHaD 2013. 8th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, Cape Town, South Africa 12.-16. November 2015.
  27. Sletner L, Jenum AK, Mørkrid K, Birkeland KI, Vangen S. Gestational diabetes and fetal growth in ethnic Europeans and South Asians in Groruddalen, Oslo. Oral presentation at Scandinavian Society for the Study of Diabetes`50th Annual Meeting 25. April 2015.
  28. Jenum AK Gestational diabetes – a Nordic approach. Oral presentation at Scandinavian Society for the Study of Diabetes`50th Annual Meeting 25. April 2015.
  29. Næss-Andresen ML, Berg JP, Jenum AK. Ethnic Differences in Iron Deficiency and Anemia in Pregnancy: A Population-Based Cohort Study. Oral Presentation. 19th Nordic Congress of General Practice, June 2015.
  30. Sletner L, Jenum AK, Mørkrid K, Birkaland IK, Vangen S. Fetal growth and associations with European and South Asian ethnic origin and gestational diabetes. Accepted abstract/Poster to the 8th International DIP Symposium on Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy. Berlin, Germany 15.-18. April 2015.
  31. Eggemoen ÅR, Falk RS, Knutsen KV, Lagerløv P, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK. Vitamin D deficiency and supplementation in pregnancy– a pre-post evaluation of a simple intervention in a multiethnic population-based cohort. Abstract, poster presentation, Primærmedisinsk uke okt. 2014.
  32. Næss-Andresen ML, Berg JP, Jenum AK. "Jernmangel og anemi under svangerskap og barseltid i en multietnisk befolkning". Oral presentation Primærmedisinsk uke okt. 2014. Abstract publisert i Utposten 2014.
  33. Waage CW, Falk RS, Sommer C, Mørkrid K, Richardsen KR, Bærug A, Shakeel N, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK. Immigrant women from South Asia, Middle East and Africa at increased risk of postpartum weight retention and of obesity and type 2 diabetes later in life: a multi-ethnic population based cohort study in Oslo, Norway, Abstract, poster presentation. European Association of the Study of Diabetes. September 15-19 2014. Vienna Austria.
  34. Sommer C, Sletner L, Jenum AK, Mørkrid K, Birkeland KI. Impact of Maternal Metabolic Health on Offspring Birth Weight Abstract, poster presentation. American Diabetes Association 74th scientific sessions, June 12-17 2014, San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
  35. Sommer C, Sletner L, Mørkrid K, Jenum AK, Birkeland KI. Maternal glucose and lipids are associated with offspring’s birth weight independently of maternal BMI and weight gain – The STORK Groruddalen study. Abstract, poster presentation. Scandinavian Society for the Study of Diabetes 49th annual meeting, May 9-11 2014, Uppsala, Sweden.
  36. Sletner L, Nakstad B, Mørkrid K, Vangen S, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK Neonatal body composition in a multi-ethnic population; the impact of maternal socioeconomic conditions over the life course. Abstract, poster presentation. DOHaD 2013. 8th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, Singapore 17-20 November 2013.
  37. Sommer C, Sletner L, Jenum AK, Mørkrid K, Mosdøl A, Birkeland KI. Association between change in maternal adiposity during pregnancy and birth weight and subcutaneous fat of the newborn. Abstract, Oral Presentation. DOHaD 2013. 8th World Congress on Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, Singapore 17-20 November 2013.
  38. Richardsen KR, Jenum AK, Mørkrid M, Sletner L, Birkeland KI, Berntsen S. Changes in walking steps during pregnancy. A multi-ethnic population-based study.  Oral presentation. 18th annual Congress of the European College of Sports Science. Session [OP-PM01] Adapted Physical Activity 1. Barcelona, Spain. 26–29 June 2013.
  39. Mørkrid K, Jenum AK, Berntsen S, Sletner L, Vangen S, Birkeland KI. Low Levels of Objectively Measured Physical Activity in Pregnancy are Associated with GDM with the IADPSG Criteria in a Multi-Ethnic Population, Abstract/ Guided Audio Poster Tour at American Diabetes Association’s 73rd Scientific Sessions, June 21-25, 2013 in Chicago, Illinois. Diabetes 2013 (July) vol.62 no Supplement 1.
  40. Sachse, D Bærug AB, Sletner L, Nakstad B, Rise F, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK Berg JP. Associations between the urinary metabolome and breastfeeding. Abstract to the 20th European Congress of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (Euromedlab), Milano, Italy 19. – 23. May 2013.
  41. Waage CW, Jenum AK, Mørkrid K, Birkeland KI.  Postpartum weight retention in a multiethnic population in Oslo, Norway. Accepted abstract/Poster to the 7th International DIP Symposium on Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy, Florence, Italy 14.-16. March 2013 .
  42. Sletner L, Mørkrid K, Vangen S, Birkeland K, Nakstad B, Jenum AK. Impact of maternal body composition and socioeconomic status on neonatal body composition differ by ethnic background. A population-based cohort study. Accepted abstract/Poster to the 7th International DIP Symposium on Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy. Florence, Italy 14.-16. March 2013.
  43. K. Mørkrid, L. Sletner, S. Vangen, A.K. Jenum, K.I. Birkeland. Physical activity and the risk for GDM with the IADPSG criteria in a multiethnic population, Norway. Accepted abstract/Poster to the 7th International DIP Symposium on Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic Syndrome and Pregnancy. Florence, Italy 14.-16. March 2013. 
  44. Shakeel N, Martinsen  EW, Eberhard-Gran M, Slinning K, Jenum AK. Forekomsten av og prediktorer for svangerskapsdepresjon i en multietnisk befolkning. Oral presentation, Primærmedisinsk uke okt. 2012 (vant AFUs Forskerpris).
  45. Sletner L, Nakstad  B, Vangen S, Mørkrid K, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK. Ethnic differences in neonatal body composition and the impact of parental size. A population-based cohort study. Poster, The Congress of the European Academy of Pediatric Societies, Istanbul, Turkey, 5.-9. Oct 2012.
  46. Sommer C, Mørkrid K, Mosdøl A, Sletner L, Jenum AK, Birkeland KI. Prevalence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus by WHO and IADPSG criteria in women with four major dietary patterns: The STORK Groruddalen study. Accepted abstract/Poster presentation, The 48th EASD Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany 1-5th October 2012. Diabetologia (2012) 55:[Suppl1]S 363.
  47. Mørkrid K, Sletner L, Vangen S, Nakstad B, Jenum AK, Birkeland KI. The effect of GDM with the IADPSG criteria on offspring anthropometry in a multiethnic population, Norway. Accepted abstract/Poster presentation, The 48th EASD Annual Meeting, 2012, Berlin, Germany 1-5th October 2012. Diabetologia (2012) 55:[Suppl1]S439.
  48. Sommer C, Mørkrid K, Mosdøl A, Jenum AK, Sletner L & Birkeland KI. Dietary patterns are associated with gestational diabetes and socio-demographic factors: The STORK Groruddalen study. Abstract (published in abstract book)/Oral presentation by CS – 30th International Symposium on Diabetes and Nutrition, Athens, Greece, June 28th – July 1st 2012.
  49. Sachse D, Sletner L, Mørkrid K, Jenum AK, Birkeland KI, Rise F, Berg JP. Urinary Metabolites During and After Pregnancy in a Large Cohort Study of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) in a Multiethnic Population. Abstract (published in abstract book (P-039)/Poster presentation at Metabolomics 2012, Washington DC, June 25-28 2012.
  50. Mørkrid K, Jenum AK, Sletner L, Vangen S, Birkeland KI. Ethnic differences in β-cell compensation for pregnancy induced insulin resistance. A population based cohort study. Abstract/Poster presentation at American Diabetes Association's 72nd Scientific Sessions, 8-12 June 2012. Diabetes June (2012) vol. 61 no. Supplement 1 : A341; doi:10.2337/db12-836-1328
  51. Sletner L, Nakstad  B,Vangen S, Mørkrid K, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK. Ethnic differences in neonatal body composition and the impact of parental size. A population-based cohort study. Abstract (published in abstract book)/oral presentation by LS. Pediatrisk vårmøte, Lillehammer, 31.05.2012.
  52. Sletner L, Nakstad B, Yajnik C, Mørkrid K, Vangen S, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK. Etniske forskjeller i kroppssammensetning i en norsk multietnisk populasjon. Abstract (published in abstract book)/ Oral presentation by LS-  Pediatridagene, Oslo 19. januar 2012.
  53. Jenum AK. Helse og sykdom hos gravide i en multietnisk kontekst – årsaksforhold og forebyggingsstrategier. Abstract (published in abstract book)/Oral presentation by AKJ. På-tvers-konferansen 2012, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, 16. januar 2012.
  54. Sommer C, Mosdøl A, Jenum AK. Dietary patterns are associated with socioeconomic and demographic factors in a multiethnic population of pregnant women. Abstract (published in abstract book)/Oral presentation by CS. På-tvers-konferansen 2012, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, 16. januar 2012.
  55. Brekke I, Berg JE, Sletner L, Jenum AK. Sickness abscence in pregnancy among majority and ethnic minority workers in Norway. Abstract (published in abstract book)/Oral presentation by IB. På-tvers-konferansen 2012, Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus, 16. januar 2012.
  56. Mørkrid K, Jenum AK, Sletner L, Vangen S, Nakstad B, Birkeland KI. Svangerskapsdiabetes påvist med International Association of Diabetes and Pregnancy Study Groups og World Health Organization’s kriterier i en multietnisk befolkning, Oslo, Norge. Abstract (published in abstract book)/Oral presentation by KM- Perinataldagene, 3. nov 2011
  57. Sletner L, Nakstad B, Yajnik C, Mørkrid K, Vangen S, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK. Etniske forskjeller i kroppssammensetning i en norsk multietnisk populasjon. Abstract (published in abstract book)/Oral presentation by LS- Perinataldagene, 3. nov 2011
  58. Sletner L, Nakstad B, Yajnik C, Mørkrid K, Vangen S, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK. Ethnic Differences in Neonatal Body Composition in a Multiethnic Population in Oslo, Norway. The STORK-Groruddalen Study. Journal of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, Volume 2, Issue S1, September 2011, pp S2-S34 doi: 10.1017/S204017441100047X. Abstract /Poster-presentation at DOHAD-conference September 2011, Portland, Oregon, USA.
  59. Mørkrid K, Jenum AK, Sletner L, Vangen S, Birkeland KI.. Gestational diabetes identified by the IADPSG- and WHO-criteria in a multiethnic population in Oslo, Norway: the Stork Groruddalen Research Program". Abstract/Oral Presentation by KM at the 47th EASD Annual Meeting, September 12 - 16 2011, Lisbon.  Diabetologia (2011) Vol. 54 Supplement 1: S42. doi: 10.1007/s00125-011-2276-4
  60. Jenum AK. Mørkrid K, Sletner L, Vangen S, Nakstad B, Birkeland KI. Prevalence of Gestational diabetes by the WHO and the IADPSG criteria in a multiethnic population in Oslo, Norway. Oral presentation by AKJ (published in abstract book), The WONCA EUROPE, September 11th-, 2011, in Warszawa.
  61. Bø K, Øglund GP, Mørkrid K, Sletner L, Jenum AK. Prevalence of urinary incontinence in a multiethnic population of pregnant women. Abstract (published in abstract book)/oral presentation by KB, June 28- July 2 2011. The 36th Annual Meeting of the International Urogynecological Association, Lisbon.
  62. Jenum AK. Mørkrid K, Sletner L, Vangen S, Nakstad B, Birkeland KI. Prevalence of Gestational diabetes by the WHO and the IADPSG criteria in a multiethnic population in Oslo, Norway. Abstract (published in abstract book)/Oral presentation by AKJ, The Nordic Congress in General Practice June 14th-17th, 2011, in Tromsø.
  63. Mørkrid K, Jenum AK, Sletner L, Gulseth H, Vangen S, Yajnik C, Birkeland KI. Ethnic differences in insulin action and secretion during pregnancy in a multiethnic population in Oslo, Norway. Abstract (published in abstract book), oral presentation by KM at the Prediabetes and the Metabolic Syndrome Conference, April 6th-9th 2011 in Madrid, Spain.
  64. Sletner L, Nakstad B, Yajnik C, Mørkrid K, Vangen S, Birkeland KI, Jenum AK. Body composition in Norwegian and ethnic South Asian newborns in Oslo. Preliminary results from the STORK-Groruddalen study. Abstract (published in abstract book)/Poster at the Diabetes in Pregnancy Conference March 24th-26th, 2011, in Salzburg, Austria.
  65. Mørkrid M, Jenum AK, Sletner L, Vangen S, Nakstad B, Birkeland K. Prevalence of Gestational diabetes by the WHO and the IADPSG criteria in a multiethnic population in Oslo, Norway. Abstract (published in abstract book)/Poster at the Diabetes in Pregnancy Conference March 24th-26th, 2011, in Salzburg, Austria.
  66. Mørkrid K, Sletner L, Nakstad B, Vangen S, Birkeland KI, Jenum, AK. Prevalence of Gestational diabetes in a multiethnic population in Oslo. Abstract (published in abstract book)/Oral Presentation by KM/prize for best OP. Perinataldagene 4.nov 2010.
  67. Sletner L, Nakstad B, Mørkrid K, Vangen S, Birkeland KI, Jenum, AK..Neonatal body composition in Norwegians and two other ethnic groups in Oslo. Preliminary results from the STORK-Groruddalen study. Abstract (published in abstract book)/Oral Presentation by LS Perinataldagene 4.nov 2010.
  68. Sachse D, Sletner L, Mørkrid K, Jenum AK, Birkeland KI, Rise F, Berg JP. Metabolic alterations in pregnancy. Abstract (published in abstract book nr. O-014)/Oral Presentation by DS. Nordisk kongress i medisinsk biokjemi June 2. 2010 in Oslo.
  69. Mosdøl A, Tronskar E, Garnweidner L, Jenum AK. Dietary habits of pregnant women in multi-ethnic areas of Oslo. Abstract/Poster to The II World Congress of Public Health Nutrition, Porto 23-25 September 2010 in Porto. Public Health Nutrition 2010 Vol 13 (9A) P 141.
  70. Sletner L, Mørkrid K, Nakstad B, Vangen S, Birkeland KI, Jenum, AK. Levels of 25-OH-vitamin D in early pregnancy in women from five ethnic groups with and without gestational diabetes mellitus. Abstract/poster at EASD 2010, Diabetologia Vol 53, S1, S355 P 149.
  71. Sletner L, Mørkrid K, Nakstad B, Vangen S, Birkeland KI, Jenum, AK. High prevalence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in a multiethnic population in Oslo, Norway. Abstract (published in abstract book)Poster: Diabetes Research Conference Oslo March 23-25 2010,
  72. Sletner L, Mørkrid K, Nakstad B, Vangen S, Birkeland KI, Jenum, AK. High prevalence of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in a multiethnic population in Oslo, Norway. Abstract (published in abstract book) Poster: World Conference of Diabetes prevention, Dresden April 8th 2010.
Publisert 13. jan. 2012 13:47 - Sist endret 19. feb. 2018 12:34