18th European Health Economics Workshop (EHEW)

This workshop brings together researchers from around the world working in the field of Health Economics. It provides a forum that encourages the development, critical appraisal and dissemination of methodological research related to the health domain.

Health Economics on two Gears

Illustration: Colourbox

The workshop focuses primarily on the discussion of microeconomics theoretical models applied to health economics, with a strong emphasis on applications of industrial organization, contract theory and public economics. Empirical papers will be considered provided that the empirical analysis makes essential use of a theoretical model. A part of the program will be allocated to papers that cover issues related to competition in health care.


The workshop is run over two days and comprises around fifteen papers. There are no parallel sessions and one hour will be dedicated to each paper, with presentations by the author and a nominated discussant.

Keynote lecture

portrait kolstadby Professor Jonathan Kolstad, BerkeleyHaas.

(Title, to be announced.)

Professor Kolstad is an economist whose research interests lie at the intersection of health economics, industrial organization and public economics. He is particularly interested in finding new models and unique data that can account for the complexity of markets in health care, notably the role of information asymmetries and incentives.

Accommodation and travel expenses

Accommodation for active participants for up to three nights at Scandic Holberg is provided by the conference. However, all participants have to cover their own travel expenses.

Travel time between the airport and the conference venue is estimated to about 60 min.


The number of participants is limited to around 40 people. Participants are expected to attend the entire meeting and take an active part as either author, discussant or chairperson.

Register by April 1st



Local Organizer

  • Tor Iversen and Oddvar Kaarboe, University of Oslo
  • Jan Erik Askildsen, University of Bergen

Scientific Committee

  • Francesca Barigozzi, Università di Bologna, Italy
  • Paula González, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Seville, Spain
  • Izabela Jelovac, GATE-CNRS, Lyon, France
  • Oddvar Kaarboe, University of Oslo, Norway
  • Albert Ma, Boston University, USA
  • Mathias Kifmann, Universität Hamburg, Germany
  • Luigi Siciliani, University of York, UK
Publisert 1. mars 2017 15:03 - Sist endret 1. okt. 2020 13:33