Role conflicts and medical professionalism

The Institute for Studies of the Medical Profession invites you to three research seminars in collaboration with the Center on Medicine as a Profession, Columbia University, New York, Center for Studies of the Professions, Oslo Metropolitan University, and the Institute for Health and Society, University of Oslo.


Illustration: Colourbox

Seminar 1:     Role conflicts and sickness certification

Date, time:      Tuesday June 5th 2018. Time: 10-12
Venue:            SPS, Center for Studies of the Professions, Oslo Metropolitan University
Featuring:       Gaute Torsvik, Erik Børve Rasmussen


Seminar 2:       Role conflicts and ethical dilemmas

Date, time:      Tuesday June 5th 2018. Time: 15-17
Venue:            LEFO, The Norwegian Medical Association, Legenes Hus
Featuring:       Edvin Schei, Reidun Førde, Berit Bringedal

Seminar 2 is followed by an informal reception at Legenes Hus.


Seminar 3:     Role conflicts and leadership

Date, time:      Wednesday June 6th 2018. Time: 08-10 (Breakfast from 08:00-08:30)
Venue:            HELED, HSH, Seminarrom 3, Institute for Health and Society, University of Oslo
Featuring:       Jan Frich, Hege Gjessing, Ivan Spehar, David Rothman


The seminars are open to researchers and others who are professionally interested in these topics. We aim to keep an informal tone, and allow ample time for discussions.

Please register with Wenche Hvitmyhr if you would like to participate:

Publisert 15. mai 2018 09:34 - Sist endret 18. mai 2018 10:52