Frokostseminar: Leadership development in healthcare

Effective leadership is vital in implementing and improving high-quality health care at both clinical and system levels. How can leadership training be used to strengthen clinicians’ leadership competencies and improve organizational performance?

Foto: Colourbox


Tentative programme

  • Introduction w/ Jan C. Frich, direktør for medisin- og helsefag i Helse Sør-Øst, professor II ved Universitetet i Oslo
  •   Researching the aspects of leadership training in healthcare which influence and predict clinical outcomes w/ Oscar Lyons, MBChB, DPhil student at University of Oxford
  •   Assessing the impact of Leadership Development programmes for clinicians w/ Ivan Spehar, PhD, Associate professor at University of Oslo
  •  Discussion w/ Jan C. Frich.
Publisert 20. mars 2019 11:00 - Sist endret 20. mars 2019 12:29