Digital Workshop: Health economic research on GPs

Dep. of Health Management and Health Economics, HELED, UiO and Danish Centre of Health Economics, DaCHE, Uni. Of Southern Denmark invite to a digital workshop on General Practitioners (GPs).

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In countries with a National Health Service (NHS), such as the Nordic countries, General Practitioners (GPs) have a key role in allocating health care to patients. GPs are often given a dual role: On the one hand, they are agents for the patients and supposed to select the medical treatment that yields the higher benefit to the patients. On the other hand, GPs are required to balance the patients’ benefit against the cost of the medical treatment. However, a key challenge is that the GPs may lack sufficient information on the cost-benefit ratio when allocating health care to patients. In addition, financial incentives, resource constraints and, possibly, competition are likely to influence the GPs’ allocation of health care to patients.

In this digital workshop, papers that address these issues from a health economics perspective will be presented. We will learn about

  • how choice opportunities for patients cause quality incentives for providers, even in markets where the demand side has poor quality information
  • how renumeration schemes impact on GPs’ list size and service provision
  • how physicians’ working conditions affect their prescription behavior
  • how economic theory can guide governments to improve on GP recruitment challenges, and
  • how P4P affects allocation of care across patients with low and high responsiveness to treatment


0900 Opening / Kim Rose Olsen & Oddvar Kaarboe

Session 1:

Paper 1: Market equilibrium in general medical practice when demand functions are derived from choice axioms

Presenter: Geir Godager, HELED, UiO

Discussant: Burkhard Hehenkamp Uni. of Paderborn

Paper 2: Impact on list size and service provision of differentiating capitation payment in mixed remuneration schemes

Presenter: Kim Rose Olsen, DaCHE, SDU

Discussant: Tor Iversen, HELED, UiO




Session 2: 

Paper 3: Physicians under pressure: Evidence from antibiotics prescribing in England

Presenter: Tommy Allen, DaCHE, SDU & MCHE University of Manchester

Discussant: Giovanni Mellace, SDU

Paper 4: GP recruitment challenges in the Nordics

Presenter: Ole Kristian Aars, HELED UiO

Discussant: Line Bjørnskov, DaCHE, SDU


1300- 1420


Session 3:

Paper 5: Allocation of health care under pay for performance: winners and losers
Presenter: Anne Sophie Oxholm DaCHE
Discussant: GeGe, HELED, UiO

Paper 6: Presentation of the evaluation of primary care team in Norway
Presenter: Tor Iversen, HELED, UiO


PhD projects

Dimitar Stiyanov Yordanov, DaCHE

Maria Bundgaard, Research Unit for General Practice, SDU

Maya Fey Niemann Hallett, DaCHE



Publisert 18. jan. 2021 11:30 - Sist endret 10. aug. 2021 14:37