Seminar: Family involvement during severe mental illness in psychiatry.

Family involvement during severe mental illness in psychiatry. Implementation, research and moral aspects. This 2-day seminar focuses on implementation of guidelines for family involvement, as seen through research and guidelines from several European countries.

Woman supporting a sad teenager

Involving family has both benefits and challenges. Illustration: Colourbox

In 2017, the new national guideline on family involvement (FI) in Norwegian health care was launched. Other countries have developed similar guidelines. What are the benefits and challenges of working together with families in mental healthcare during severe mental illness (SMI)? How and to what extent do guidelines on family involvement respond to these challenges? How can such guidelines best be implemented?

October 19th:

  • Focus on research on barriers to family involvement during serious mental illness - with a special focus on moral dilemmas - current practices, national guidelines in Norway, UK and the Netherlands.
  • In English
  • Presentations, discussions, group work

October 20th:

  • Kick-off for the start of the NFR research project to improve the implementation of guidelines regarding family involvement in the Norwegian mental health services.
  • Potential participants will be informed about the project, and all participants will be invited to give input on the project.
  • Barriers and facilitators to family involvement
  • In Norwegian
  • Presentations, discussions, group work

Full program (small changes to the program may occur)

Target groups are:

  • People interested in family involvement in mental health care (researchers, ethicists)
  • Practitioners / mental health care staff
  • People with expertise by experience (family member and/or (ex) service user)
  • Organisations and people involved in the NFR project


Participation to this seminar is free but requires registration (by September 22nd).


Emneord: Pårørende, psykiske helsetjenester
Publisert 28. aug. 2017 15:00 - Sist endret 24. okt. 2018 14:24