Hybrid Technology Hub Scientific Lunch Seminar with Fotios Sampaziotis

Dr. Fotios Sampaziotis from Cambridge University has  worked with bile duct organoids to model diseases of the biliary system. He will give a talk titled : Cholangiocyte plasticity and its implications for regenerative medicine

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Fotios Sampaziotis received his M.D. from the University of Athens in Greece followed by clinical training in the UK. During his clinical training he obtained a Ph.D. in stem cell biology from the University of Cambridge. He has pioneered the use of bile duct organoids to model diseases of the biliary system, test multiple drugs, and identify new therapeutic agents. Currently, Fotios’ research takes place at the interface between basic science and clinical medicine at Cambridge university where he also works as a physician in hepatology at Addenbrooke's Hospital. His scientific work focuses on combining organoids, bioengineering, and animal studies to regenerate damaged bile ducts in the liver as an alternative therapy to liver transplantation.


Relevant articles:

Sampaziotis et al, Nat. Biotech 33, 845 (2015).

Sampaziotis et al, Nat. Med. 23, 954 (2017)

Published Nov. 20, 2019 4:16 PM - Last modified Nov. 21, 2019 8:46 AM