HTH heads one of the six new convergence environments from UiO:LifeScience to address major societal challenges in life sciences

Stefan Krauss will lead the new convergence enviroment ITOM - Integrated technologies for tracking organoid morphogenesis. The convergence environment will use advanced imaging technology and data analysis to improve stem cell derived organ representations. 

The primary objective of the consortium is to improve organoid development by developing and applying correlative imaging and data analysis technologies that track morphogenetic progresses.

The project will fund 2 PhD positions and 2 Post Doc positions.

The consortium

Project leader: Stefan Krauss Professor, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, UiO and Convergence Environment Hybrid Technology Hub

Principal investigators:

Read more about ITOM

Full announcement of the new convergence enviroments


Published Nov. 10, 2021 1:15 PM - Last modified Dec. 17, 2021 1:37 PM