Natalia Smirnova joins the Hybrid Technology Hub as a new Doctoral Research Fellow

Natalia Smirnova has joined the Hybrid Technology Hub – Centre for Organ on a Chip Technology – as a Doctoral Research Fellow

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Nataly graduated from Saint-Petersburg State University (Russia) with a master’s degree in Biology and a specialization in Developmental Biology. There she performed a qualification project regarding the expression analysis of germline marker genes (vasa, piwi, pl10 homologs) and their role in cell state regulation in Annelids. She also participated in a project dedicated to unravelling the role of Notch signalling in Annelid segmentation. In parallel with her studies, Nataly also worked as an engineer at the Department of Embryology and gained experience with breeding, setting, and synchronizing embryonic cultures of a wide variety of vertebrate and invertebrate animals, including non-model objects.

Next Nataly continued her career in the field of Assisted Reproductive Technologies and she has been working in medical companies and IVF clinics as a clinical embryologist. In 2020 Nataly was taking part in clinical studies regarding chromosome mosaicism in human embryos. Since 2021 she has been holding the position of Senior Clinical Embryologist in the Reproductive Medicine Group of Oslo University Hospital and has competence related to human embryological development.

In March 2023 Nataly joined the Krauss group at HTH as a Ph.D. student. At HTH Nataly will focus on the development of more sophisticated gastruloids that incorporate interactions with extraembryonic tissues, with a particular emphasis on vascularization.

Published Apr. 11, 2023 2:07 PM - Last modified Apr. 11, 2023 2:07 PM