HTH group leader Espen Melum has invited Ukrainian researchers to his lab.

Through the initiative #scienceforukraine Espen Melum has invited Ukrainian researchers to work in his lab.

Yuliia Boichuk worked at the Institute of Cell Therapy in Kyiv before coming to Oslo. At UiO she will work with basic medical research and biomedical translational research focusing on primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) as well as being involved in organ-on-a-chip projects.

Merete Tysdahl, Yuliia Boichuk, Taisiia Sazonova and Espen Melum. Photo: Øystein 

Read the full story on the News page for the Medical Faculty

Published Apr. 27, 2022 9:29 AM - Last modified Apr. 27, 2022 9:31 AM