New article: Characterization of Mechanical and Cellular Effects of Rhythmic Vertical Vibrations on Adherent Cell Cultures

HTH researchers together with collaborators have published a new article in Bioengineering. The article presents a novel experimental setup that utilizes audio technology principles to expose adherent cells to rhythmic vertical vibrations.


This paper presents an innovative experimental setup that employs the principles of audio technology to subject adherent cells to rhythmic vertical vibrations. We employ a novel approach that combines 3-axis acceleration measurement and particle tracking velocimetry to evaluate the setup's performance. This allows us to estimate crucial parameters such as root mean square acceleration, fluid flow patterns, and shear stress generated within the cell culture wells when subjected to various vibration types. The experimental conditions consisted of four vibrational modes: No Vibration, Continuous Vibration, Regular Pulse, and Variable Pulse. To evaluate the effects on cells, we utilized fluorescence microscopy and a customized feature extraction algorithm to analyze the F-actin filament structures. Our findings indicate a consistent trend across all vibrated cell cultures, revealing a reduction in size and altered orientation (2D angle) of the filaments. Furthermore, we observed cell accumulations in the G1 cell cycle phase in cells treated with Continuous Vibration and Regular Pulse. Our results demonstrate a negative correlation between the magnitude of mechanical stimuli and the size of F-actin filaments, as well as a positive correlation with the accumulations of cells in the G1-phase of the cell cycle. By unraveling these analyses, this study paves the way for future investigations and provides a compelling framework for comprehending the intricate cellular responses to rhythmic mechanical stimulation.


Bioengineering, 2023.


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Characterization of fluid flow patterns and shear stress estimation in the wells of the cell culture plate through Particle Tracking Velocimetry (PTV). Maximum intensity projection images, velocity fields, and shear stress plot at the boundary layer close to the bottom surface are shown according to the experimental conditions (a) Continuous Vibration, (b) Regular Pulse, and (c) Variable Pulse. (d) The distribution of estimated shear stress in absolute values, which shows a smoothed out distribution and where the values are concentrated.
Published July 7, 2023 11:36 AM - Last modified July 7, 2023 11:36 AM