Persons tagged with «Machine Learning»

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Picture of Alvaro Köhn-Luque Köhn-Luque, Alvaro Senior Researcher +47-22851234 Biostatistics, Mathematical Oncology, Machine Learning, Computational Biology, Quantitative Biology, Systems Biology, Systems Medicine, Cancer, Vascular Morphogenesis, Multiscale Modeling, Stochastic Modeling, Statistical inference, Personalised Cancer Therapies, OCBE
Picture of Arnoldo Frigessi Frigessi, Arnoldo Professor +47 22851004 +47-95735574 Life sciences, Biostatistics, Genomic, Cancer, Stochastic models, Statistical inference, Complex stochastic dependence, Computational intensive statistics, machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Bayes, Integreat
Picture of Mauricio Moreira Soares Moreira Soares, Mauricio Researcher Prediction models, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Biostatistics, Computational Biology, Cancer
Picture of Erlend Ignacio Fleck Fossen Fossen, Erlend Ignacio Fleck Postdoctoral Fellow +47 94059244 Biostatistics, Bioinformatics, Machine learning, Predictive modelling, Survival analysis, Genetics, Genomics, Ecology, Evolution, Limnology, Biosystematics, Taxonomy
Picture of Even Moa Myklebust Myklebust, Even Moa Biostatistics, Machine Learning, Computational Biology, Cancer, Stochastic Modeling, Statistical inference, Personalised Cancer Therapies, Latent variable models, Computational intensive statistics
Picture of Valeria Vitelli Vitelli, Valeria Associate Professor +47 22851011 Biostatistics, Life Sciences, Genetics and epidemiology, Cancer, Stochastic models, Statistical Inference, Computational intensive statistics, Sparse methods, Functional data analysis, Machine Learning, Bayesian
Picture of Theophilus Quachie Asenso Asenso, Theophilus Quachie Postdoctoral Fellow 97358955 Biostatistics, Machine learning, Personalised Cancer Therapies